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Search results for query #отображение процессов

3 answer
19.07.2022, 10:18
Hide process display methods
When opening a list of processes, it is possible to change the way it is displayed on a table, list, etc. Is it possible to remove or restrict disp...
5 replies
16.08.2021, 10:21
OS - Display Method
In the MVP version, if you change the display method, then it was saved. in the OS we change the display method, and it again resets to the List. H...
3 answer
06.08.2021, 10:58
process mapping table setup
Good afternoon. Tell me, according to the process display table, it is now possible to set up a different table (display different fields) for one ...
6 replies
26.07.2021, 17:11
OS .Configuring the display of processes in access rights
Set up access rights by roles for processes. It was displayed correctly: the "Site Manager" roles saw the Sales processes, the "Supp...
17 replies
23.06.2021, 13:17
All processes are not shown in the Locked Calendar
The tab next to the menu - My processes - Processes with the calendar - is all good, displays all the processes, scrolls down and you can see the m...
1 answer
08.02.2021, 09:47
Setting how processes are displayed
Good afternoon. When displaying product fields https://prnt.sc/yos5ya in one of the processes, the fields were displayed in all lists of processes....
3 answer
17.12.2020, 10:19
My process calendar
Good afternoon. How can I hide these support calls from the calendar? - https://prnt.sc/w4irgp
1 answer
22.06.2020, 16:16
Subprocess Block
We suggest adding some improvements and new features to the subprocesses block (see link) https://prnt.sc/t4bqpf 1. remove unnecessary (non-informa...
Sorting processes
It is necessary that after switching the ways of displaying processes, the sorting of processes remains the same as in the previous method.

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