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Search results for query #канбан

2 answer
24.10.2022, 12:40
You can see the code in kanban
In kanban https://icf.1b.app/app/crm/?ok=1 after transferring the process from one stage to the next, in the field with type Text html, you can see...
2 answer
02.07.2021, 15:16
OS - Kanban
Will or will there be a display of Kanban processes in the new version? If yes, how to connect?
4 answer
The calendar has this functionality It can be seen that the process was scheduled, but the current date is greater than the planning date (or the ...
1 answer
Closed process information not displayed in kanban
Kanban Order Displays Example from this link https://box.generator.ua/admin/customorder/order/mode/pipe/?filternumber=&fr...
2 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
10.02.2021, 18:25
finalize the kanban display mode (add the ability to collapse all processes at a stage)
For the "Kanban Processes" display mode, in the business process process display setting, check the "always display processes collap...
4 answer
22.01.2021, 13:47
Refinement score
Please rate the revision. For the "Kanban Processes" display mode, in the setting for displaying the processes of the business process m...
6 replies
20.01.2021, 10:54
How to change the arrangement of tiles in Kanban display?
We need to change the layout of the tiles in Kanban, but we don't know how to do it. https://prnt.sc/x9xev8 Tell me how it's done?
8 replies
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
04.12.2020, 13:13
fix the work of the "Kan-ban processes" mode (looping)
fix the work of the "Kan-ban processes" mode when displaying a large number of processes on the screen, the system endlessly draws previo...
2015640690 - Calendar filter “Sorting tasks”
Improved filter “Sorting tasks (only for calendar display), which filters processes by time. The filter works in the "Calendar" and &quot...

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