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Good afternoon, we cannot download the suppliers' price lists. When downloading, it says 0 of the quantity in the price list has been downloaded and that's it. The downloads page displays the status in the queue and this has been happening for more than one day, please help solve it.
Examples of suppliers:
1. https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/app/supplier/step/index/?filtersupplierid=9
2. https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/app/supplier/step/index/?filtersupplierid=9578
I'm adding screenshots.
Good afternoon, we cannot download the suppliers' price lists. When downloading, it says 0 of the quantity in the price list has been downloaded and that's it. The downloads page displays the status in the queue and this has been happening for more than one day, please help solve it.
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