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Hourly cron (cron-hour.php) is down since Thursday 12/09/21

Our box (box) https://yavshoke.ua/
Paid technical support from SheBo integrator
Starting from Thursday 09.12.21 from 12 noon, our load on the server increased, we immediately turned to our SheBo manager, found out that the maximum load is exactly when the hourly kroner is working, from that moment it never worked for us, in logs "stop-cron" every 4-5 hours there is an entry:
[2021-12-11 03:01:02]
point: /var/www/yavshokeua/web1/web/cron/cron-hour.php
data: Cron /var/www/yavshokeua/web1/web/cron/cron-hour.php was force restarted after 5 hours, 0 minutes of running
That is, the server starts the cron, it tries to do something for 4-5 hours, and as a result it restarts forcibly. Until Thursday 12/09/21, our hourly kroner worked every hour without any delays, we don’t know what happened now, we didn’t set up new integrations with third-party services.
We spent the whole day on Fri 12/10/21 trying to find out something, I asked for a fee to raise the crowns, to find the problem on
Original question is available on version: ru


Сусяк Ігор
Anton, since your power supply is not yet disabled, you can correct ssh access to the server at info@integrator.com.ua, I'll try to clarify
11.12.2021, 23:49
Original comment available on version: ru

Good afternoon.

Mordach Anton Vladimirovich wrote:
Starting from Thursday 09.12.21 from 12 noon, our load on the server increased, we immediately contacted our SheBo manager, found out that the maximum load is exactly when hourly crowns work,

The load on the server was given not by hourly crowns, but by DDOS attacks.
Your server is maintained by your specialists (or specialists hired by you) who should have seen this fact.
But in their opinion, nothing strange happened. And so you decided that the watch crowns were to blame.
Boxing is a constructor that you have the ability to customize, and the system does exactly what you configured.
Hourly actions are called such because they will run once an hour.
But if you set up an integration or something that takes more time to work out, then cron will run until everything is done.
In your case, the cron worked for too long and the system restarted it after 4 hours (this is the logic of work).
At the request of your manager that the hourly cron does not work, and there are no logs for working out import actions that are on a separate cron,
it was determined that the script for processing import actions was REMOVED from the server, by whom and why it was removed, this is a question for those who serve your server.
This script was restored and launched, and the watch cron was running at that time.
This answer was given to the manager of SheBo on Friday 10/12/2021 11:52 AM.
To an additional question, (asked on 12/10/2021, Friday, 13:31) - "what does the hourly kroner take so long?"
- the answer was given (absolutely free 12/10/2021, Friday, 13:56) that cron will connect to this host:
We also do not know what external integrations you have, and what external resources store data on Amazon.
Now hourly cron runs in 2,054.63 s (~ 34 minutes).
We do not monitor client servers, we do not know what has changed.
We can only see what is happening on the server at the moment we look at it.
13.12.2021, 01:38
Original comment available on version: ru

There was no DDOS attack and there was no close, the SheBo manager reported that the problem was with the watch crown.
But the SheBo integrator could not find the problem for us, I wrote the whole day on Fri 10.12., the integrator Igor Susyak, helped to solve the issue quickly on Sun 12.12, thank you very much!
The problem was with the watch cron, we went through all the actions of the watch cron together, now it works because the "Translate product fields into the specified language" action is disabled, it did not work with the cron action enabled and restarted after 4-5 hours. We haven't made any changes to the settings of the "Translate product fields into the specified language" action, and we've had improvements to this action for a long time. The next step is to find out why cron does not work with the action enabled (key, if you can check what the problem is, I will be grateful for any help.
13.12.2021, 10:25
Original comment available on version: ru

Mordach Anton Vladimirovich wrote:
There was no DDOS attack and there was no close, the SheBo manager reported that the problem was with the watch crown.

About load:
If you have clients from Singapore, Malaysia, the Netherlands and America, then yes, there was no attack.
But the manager of SheBo, looking in the browser where to find out.
About watch crowns:
I repeat Boxing is a constructor that you set up, and the system does exactly what you set up.
Apparently it takes more than 4 hours to complete all your settings.
13.12.2021, 10:52
Original comment available on version: ru

Tasun Sergey Vladimirovich
OneBox production wrote:
Apparently it takes more than 4 hours to complete all your settings.

I wrote in what action there was a problem and this has already been confirmed, do not write such nonsense, please.

Susyak Igor
Integrator.com.ua wrote:
Anton, since your power supply is not yet disabled, you can correct ssh access to the server at info@integrator.com.ua, I'll try to clarify

Thanks again for your help, issue closed.
14.12.2021, 14:34
Original comment available on version: ru

Mordach Anton Vladimirovich wrote:
I wrote in what action there was a problem and this has already been confirmed, do not write such nonsense, please.

The nonsense is that in any of your service, you are trying to shift it to someone ....
14.12.2021, 14:39
Original comment available on version: ru

Tasun Sergey Vladimirovich
OneBox production wrote:
The nonsense is that in any of your service, you are trying to shift it to someone ....

We did not try to shift the complexity to anyone, we have TP, they did not solve the issue and we turned to the forum. As a result, in one action, a complete freeze occurred on the watch crown, we wrote in which one. Using the brute-force method (disabled all actions and turned them on in turn), we found in which action there was a problem. When it was on, nothing else was running, the hourly cron would freeze and restart after 5 hours, and in normal mode it works for us up to 30 minutes.
20.12.2021, 10:03
Original comment available on version: ru

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