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Error_Difference of amounts in Payments and Cashiers and Cashflow

Good day!
Please explain the reason for the difference between the amounts
1. Payments and cash registers (for November) https://kiyservice.1b.app/app/payments/?accountid%5B%5D=1&accountid%5B%5D=2&... =6&accountid%5B%5D=7&accountid%5B%5D=9&accountid%5B%5D=11&accountid%5B%5D=14&accountid%5B%5D=16&accountid%5B%5D=21&accountid%5B% 5D=24&accountid%5B%5D=10&accountid%5B%5D=13&accountid%5B%5D=18&accountid%5B%5D=17&accountid%5B%5D=22&accountid%5B%5D=25&filterd atefrom=2024-11-01+00%3A00&filterdateto=2024-11-30+23%3A59&ok=%D0%A4%D0%B8%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%82%D1%80%D0%BE %D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%8C in the "Total" field - one amount
2. In Casflow - another https://kiyservice.1b.app/app/cashflowreport/
Most likely, this payment does not enter casflow https://kiyservice.1b.app/app/payments/126212/control/
The question is why?
Please help to figure this out
Original question is available on version: ua


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