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Adaptability and ease of use of CRM OneBox

And so, I'll start with those support, because for the first time I encounter such an attitude towards a client who brings money.
How can it be that such a system with so many corporate clients does not have normal technical support. A CRM system is the basis of an enterprise's work, and if there is a problem with it that cannot be quickly resolved, it reflects very badly on the company itself.
Is it really impossible to put 1-2 people in chats who can quickly answer questions? For example, here are my questions:
"How to kick a user?"
"How to remove the signature in an outgoing letter?" etc.
The integrator answers only during his working hours, and I can't say that this is prompt. Calling and asking someone is not an option at all. And writing on the forum - so it’s possible to move your mind - 100 verifications of all kinds, and a lot of time is spent on it, and when your time costs money, you involuntarily wonder if this kind of cooperation with a part
Original question is available on version: ru


Julia, good afternoon!
I'll try to answer some of your questions. Maybe a couple of comments.
I'll start with the first pain "why is there such poor technical support in OneBox".
But it simply does not exist, and this is part of the agreement with users.
Let me explain:
OneBox has no technical support, none at all. There is only a forum where everyone can help each other. The OneBox company itself charges money to partners if they help customers on the forum. This stimulates responses in the forum.
Why is everything the way it is and why do I consider this agreement acceptable and competitive in the market. If you omit all legal issues, then the key business of OneBox is:
- or providing software for rent as is (cloud, rent)
- or sale of the right to use software on their servers (box, sale of activation keys or licenses).
Anything else is not a OneBox business and doesn't make money (at all).
In other words, we directly tell all clients:
dear client, for 25 USD/month you get software, for the development of which we spend about 500,000 USD per year.
It's a good deal, for 250 USD/year you get 500K/year software.
The disadvantage of this deal is that you have to put up with the lack of technical support, you can’t talk to anyone with your voice.
To sweeten this moment there is:
- free forum
- paid partners who will talk to you and help you. But they are not part of OneBox, they are separate companies, OneBox did not create them. These companies looked at OneBox for themselves, saw the flaw in the "no support" business model, and decided to capitalize on it.
I talked more about this model here - https://youtu.be/oAJxxHXbjgA
I have already written somewhere else on the forum, but I will repeat:
why can't I talk to OneBox? It's simple - because I want to. It sounds bold, but creating such software as you see (OneBox OS) is possible only in one scenario - if I (and the developers) are not pulled. Therefore, I take a lot of money and pour it into the software, so that later I can distribute it to users for cheap. Such a model.
The second argument why this model is acceptable for the market:
Microsoft, Apple, Google, Adobe, Facebook. Try writing to their support. She just doesn't exist. They have good tech products that cost a penny for users. But not all users can deal with them, and since these companies do not create technical support. As a result, these products themselves are overgrown with third-party companies that close this problem: windows system administrators appear, windows courses appear, iphone customizers appear, google service developers appear, photoshop designers appear, photoshop courses appear, smm-schiks appear.
In simple words: we take a unique product, a good product, mow out "whom you can talk to" out of it - and we get a growth driver.
12.07.2021, 21:23
Как со мной связаться - никак :)
Задавайте вопросы на форуме публично - и я отвечу.
Подробнее - https://1b.app/ru/user/11/
Original comment available on version: ru

Regarding verification - everything is simple, this is a one-time procedure, we ask you to indicate the person's real email and phone number. Not in order to send him letters, but so that a person does not troll other users from different accounts. Believe me, there are such unique people, and they enrage us.
Regarding usability, as far as I understand, you have three problems:
1. The back button sometimes works randomly. This problem is solved in OneBox OS (there is simply no Back button, there is a different navigation principle and it is much better and clearer)
2. a lot of zeros are shown somewhere in the numbers. Unfortunately, according to the description, I did not understand exactly where. I would be grateful if you create a separate topic on the forum and attach a couple of screenshots. We'll fix it. Is free.
3. Similarly to point 2, I will answer in the order Surname-Name / First Name-Surname. As far as I know, this is nonsense, because the formatting of names is always the same in OneBox and goes through the same method of issuing a contact name (I invented it myself about 8 years ago). Show, please, where the order of the full name is confused - any two places - and we will find and fix everything. Is free.
I also want to note that it often happens that a user creates two different contacts that have different phones, and one has the last name in the first name, and the first name in the last name. Visually, it seems that the system is failing and the contacts are shown randomly - but in reality it can be just two different contacts. One was created manually, the second one was created automatically by some email parser (this is an example).
In general, I would be grateful if you show specific points on points 2 and 3 - and OneBox will fix everything.
Thank you.
13.07.2021, 22:13
Как со мной связаться - никак :)
Задавайте вопросы на форуме публично - и я отвечу.
Подробнее - https://1b.app/ru/user/11/
Original comment available on version: ru

I can't agree with you about those. support.
1. You provide software, but there is also the concept of service when providing services or selling goods. If it is so important for you to make money on everything, then as a businessman you can make a simple miscalculation - this is the salary that you need to pay 5-10 tech employees. support (which can give an answer, by the way, not only by phone, but also in instant messengers) divided by the number of customers, and add this to the cost of your product. This is where the service is. For me, OneBox is now an underproduction, because I cannot use all its functions to the fullest, I have to wait several days for answers to simple questions that it would seem could be put in the instructions.
2. "It's simple - because I want to" is not bold, it's your right, but between the lines I, as a client, read: "You are not the first client who writes this to us, but I don't want to solve this pain of my client, because I want it so much, don't mess with my brain and go and deal with our tuning partners for money"
Perhaps my answer will seem daring to you, but at least I understand that in OneBox you are a decision maker (your position is not indicated in your profile), and you should receive feedback from customers.
3. And if you compare yourself with such giants as Microsoft, Apple, Google, Adobe, Facebook, then they have a knowledge base in which you can get an answer to any technical question, and from those. support of Google and Facebook communicated personally.
4. And since you have such a categorical attitude towards those support, it is very important when selling your product to clarify the moment about customer support, like:
"The cost of software per month is .....
The cost of setting up the software is .... (note that the number of months of setting up will increase at least 3 times after the preparation of the TOR and the signing of contracts)
Tech support fee - $100 - 1 question, even if it's a "How to set date and time" question
*Note - for simple small companies that do not have an IT specialist in the state, please do not bother and do not buy our product"
15.07.2021, 10:57
Original comment available on version: ru

now you are setting up OneBox to provide a service that it does not want to provide (I do not want to provide it).
We write in plain text here about risks - https://crm-onebox.com/en/prices/#collaboration_scheme_and_risk_notification
This paragraph has been written on this page for at least a year, and is directly linked to in all payments, including paper invoices.
I quote:

OneBox is a business operating system that you can assemble and customize "for yourself", Like a designer.
OneBox is not a ready-made solution to any business problem, because there are no two absolutely identical businesses with absolutely identical business processes.
The OneBox software is sold as is (AS IS).
The site specifically has a free eternal plan that allows you to find out and evaluate, without any time limits, what features the OneBox software product provides.
If you need some new functionality, refinement of existing functionality, private technical support, assistance with setting up any part of OneBox - you can additionally order this from our integrators.

For me it is not important to earn on everything. It is important for me to earn only what I want. You see, I can earn a lot on anything, from installing windows to mopping floors in offices. But I want to earn and I earn - by selling software as it is.
I have no influence on the cost of partner services, they build their own pricing. If their services are bought, they raise prices, if they sell, they lower prices. How exactly they provide them, on what days, with what rules of response - this is exclusively their business. These are separate companies. There are many partners, and the client has the right to move from one partner to another, and at least work with 10 at once.
We can argue for a long time about the correctness or incorrectness of my business model, but the market will decide it all in the long run.
Unfortunately, it is your pain "I want OneBox to have fast technical support" - I will not solve it in the way that you expect from me.
There is a free forum, there are paid partners, that's all.
This is Customer Support.
For other pains about zeros, rounding, full name / IFO - I wrote above what needs to be done - and we will help you.
This is Product Support.
Here is the difference between Product Support vs Customer Support - https://crm-onebox.com/ru/prices/#difference
15.07.2021, 13:44
Как со мной связаться - никак :)
Задавайте вопросы на форуме публично - и я отвечу.
Подробнее - https://1b.app/ru/user/11/
Original comment available on version: ru

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