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Please transfer the box to a per-user tariff.


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Surprisingly, I didn't see any information on the website about limiting the number of users and minimum tariffs.
Is this the case for all partners too?
03.02.2025, 18:06
Original comment available on version: ua

Andriy wrote:
Surprisingly, I didn't see any information on the website about limiting the number of users and minimum tariffs.
Is this the case for all partners too?

In general, the minimum tariff is 3 for everyone. If a partner makes an exception, it is purely his business. In general, if you already have a partner, contact him https://1b.app/ua/partner/onebox-corp/
04.02.2025, 09:55
Original comment available on version: ua

I didn't choose a partner. I created the box myself, I set it up myself. By what miracle I got a partner, I don't know.
I tried to contact them several times but they were never able to help me. That's why I don't want to work with them.
Please remove this partner from our boxing so I can contact others.
04.02.2025, 11:03
Original comment available on version: ua

Andriy wrote:
I didn't choose a partner. I created the box myself, I set it up myself. By what miracle I got a partner, I don't know.

Your partner has been fixed since 2022, when the transformation took place, so since your boxing is already old, you have the partner who was there at that time.

Andriy wrote:
I tried to contact them several times but they were never able to help me. That's why I don't want to work with them.

I saw your messages, their conditions are logical and do not offer you anything extra. Either leave the tariff for 3 users or the tariff for data as it is now. Maybe try to negotiate a tariff of 2

Andriy wrote:
Please remove this partner from our boxing so I can contact others.

No, this is impossible without the consent of the partners you want and the current partner.
04.02.2025, 12:19
Original comment available on version: ua

Andriy wrote:
I tried to contact them several times but they were never able to help me. That's why I don't want to work with them.

I saw your messages, their conditions are logical and do not offer you anything extra. Either leave the tariff for 3 users or the tariff for data as it is now. Maybe try to negotiate a tariff of 2

Andriy wrote:
Please remove this partner from our boxing so I can contact others.

No, this is impossible without the consent of the partners you want and the current partner.

I don't need tariff 2, or 3, etc. Since 1 manager works.
Other partners offer a 1-user plan.
I didn't choose a partner, and I didn't have any contact with them until this year, they didn't help me in any way, they get a commission for something I don't understand.
So give me the opportunity to work with other partners.
04.02.2025, 12:27
Original comment available on version: ua

Andriy wrote:

Andriy wrote:
I tried to contact them several times but they were never able to help me. That's why I don't want to work with them.

I saw your messages, their conditions are logical and do not offer you anything extra. Either leave the tariff for 3 users or the tariff for data as it is now. Maybe try to negotiate a tariff of 2

Andriy wrote:
Please remove this partner from our boxing so I can contact others.

No, this is impossible without the consent of the partners you want and the current partner.

I don't need tariff 2, or 3, etc. Since 1 manager works.
Other partners offer a 1-user plan.
I didn't choose a partner, and I didn't have any contact with them until this year, they didn't help me in any way, they get a commission for something I don't understand.
So give me the opportunity to work with other partners.

Let the partner you chose write to the current partner and make arrangements.
There will be no other option, no one will change the rules just because you feel like it.
Or pay the data tariff and that's it.
04.02.2025, 12:29
Original comment available on version: ua

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