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OneBox + Ukrainian Volunteer Coordination System

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Hello, my name is Mikhail Romanenko. Director of the Volunteer Initiative of Ukraine Foundation.
Our team is currently working on creating a system and a unified database of volunteers, organizations and requests. The purpose of which is more efficient command processing of requests and transparency of all stages of execution.
The system is based on three tools:
- Telegram bot. As an entry point, segmentation of volunteers by skills, etc., creation of applications, and basic functionality.
- a single database.
- crm. (Considered several options, settled on OneBox.)
I am asking for help in the issue of linking our database. From the main ones:
- after registering a volunteer in the bot - creating an automatic profile in OneBox
- after creating a request for help in the bot - automatic creation of a task card in OneBox
- when changing the status of a task in OneBox - changing the status in the database and in the bot
- there are other tasks
In addition, the support of the integrator on o
Original question is available on version: ru


Сусяк Ігор
We already got in touch, we did our homework, to help us get MVP on volunteer ambushes.
19.05.2022, 22:44
Original comment available on version: ru

Michael, good evening!
OneBox will provide you with OneBox OS cloud software free of charge for any period and for any number of users. Free and forever.
You can also choose an integrator here - https://1b.app/en/partner/search/
Unfortunately, we cannot cover the costs of integrators, as this is not our business. But I know that many integrators help volunteers and set up boxes for free. With your permission, I will pass on your contacts to several integrators who fine-tuned the bundle with the cart that you wrote about in this thread.
19.05.2022, 22:55
Как со мной связаться - никак :)
Задавайте вопросы на форуме публично - и я отвечу.
Подробнее - https://1b.app/ru/user/11/
Original comment available on version: ru

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