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Issues with redistribution

Already posted here before
But the topic was left without attention, so I will duplicate it:
During the inventory, we use the functionality of "personal baskets" so that more employees participate in the inventory and it goes faster.
But, if 2 different employees add the same product to their personal basket (example of baskets , ) the 1st 10 units of goods, and the second 3 pcs - then when you click the "Move to the general rediscount basket" button for 1 employee, the goods disappear from personal and transferred to the general
But if the goods are in the general basket, then when the second employee clicks the "move to the general basket" button, the goods disappear from the personal basket, but are not summarized in the general one, and it turns out that the goods of the
Original question is available on version: ru


I made you a suggestion for improvement in the specified topic.
09.07.2021, 17:20
Original comment available on version: ru

Petrechko Vasyl
Personal license
Apparently you wrote just when I started a new question to write)
I wrote that I agree to revision
09.07.2021, 18:11
Original comment available on version: ru

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