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Date of last product update

Good afternoon! Client box: https://crm.kidzaza.com.ua/
Each product has a creation date: "Created Date (product.product_cdate)".
Can you please tell me if there is a field with the date of the last update of the product (any changes: whether it is a standard or additional product field)?
Let me explain: this is necessary for daily automatic updating (at night) of information about products in the database and, accordingly, on the site by the parser. In order not to pull every day information on all created products in the box, but only on those that were updated yesterday.
Original question is available on version: ru


There is a udate field
Where do you want to filter by it?
30.03.2021, 18:10
Original comment available on version: ru

Tyndyk Maxim Vadimovich wrote:
There is a udate field
Where do you want to filter by it?

We want to receive information in the format "Date (DD.MM.YYYY)" about changes in products by the parser. It was WHEN the product was last edited, not what was edited, etc.
30.03.2021, 18:18
Original comment available on version: ru

Junger Irina wrote:
We want to receive information in the format "Date (DD.MM.YYYY)" about changes in products by the parser.

What parser are you talking about?
If you are getting products from OneBox via the REST API, there is a datefrom and dateto parameter to filter products by modified date.
31.03.2021, 16:29
Original comment available on version: ru

Tyndyk Maxim Vadimovich wrote:
If you are getting products from OneBox via the REST API, there is a datefrom and dateto parameter to filter products by modified date.

Is it about the /api/product/get/ method?
31.03.2021, 17:40
Original comment available on version: ru

Tyndyk Maxim Vadimovich wrote:

Nothing was found in the documentation about this.
Thanks, let's try. I will write about the result.
31.03.2021, 17:51
Original comment available on version: ru

Tyndyk Maxim Vadimovich wrote:

Maxim, the filter works, but there is a difficulty: all products in CRM are updated daily. In order to create a working integration, it is important for us to receive only the latest products. I am attaching a screenshot - it seems that something is updating the products.
Could this be related to regular tasks in automations? If yes, what is the best way to find and fix the problem?
In particular, questions about the following automations:
- Write the value of the additional field of the product based on the formula (we use it only to update the product immediately after creation)
- Price recalculation (not sure what function it performs)
02.04.2021, 15:37
Original comment available on version: ru

Arsen Goian wrote:
Could this be related to regular tasks in automations? If yes, what is the best way to find and fix the problem?

can - any update (for example, recalculations of prices or availability) updates the product

Arsen Goian wrote:
- Price recalculation (not sure what function it performs)

With this action, you recalculate product prices based on prices from the supplier/warehouses
02.04.2021, 18:06
Original comment available on version: ru

is there any way to see what exactly has been updated in the product?
We've disabled tasks that edit products, but some products still update automatically...
05.04.2021, 16:28
Original comment available on version: ru

You can probably trace the history of product changes at what time and what was changed in the product.
05.04.2021, 17:03
Original comment available on version: ru

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