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Improvement of the calculator on the website

Needs improvement


When choosing a product, the calculator now calculates:

(product price + option price + option price2...) * quantity

you need to add the "CONST option"

so that the calculator would calculate:

(product price + option price) * quantity + option price CONST

Example https://tashuta.ua/ua/test-8298/

1 unit for 100 UAH with the option "Type 2 for 10 UAH" will cost 110 UAH

2 units with the "View2" option will cost 220 UAH

2 units with the "View2" option will cost 330 UAH

If the "View" option were a constant it would be:

2 units of goods: 100 UAH + 100 UAH + 10 UAH = Total 210 UAH

3 units of goods: 100 UAH + 100 UAH + 10 UAH = Total 310 UAH


(and in the basket, respectively, 330 too)

The choice of which option will be constant and which will not can be added here
Original question is available on version: ru


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