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Forced to create 2 Cancel steps to cancel shipped and UNShipped orders.

Action "Return the contents of the process to the warehouse."
Please make sure that there are no errors and that you can go to the stage with this action if the goods were not shipped according to the order.
You have to create 2 stages "Order canceled" and 2 stages "Editing", because. An order can be in 2 states: Shipped and NOT Shipped.
When canceling a shipped order, you need to return the goods to the warehouse, so we use this action. BUT the unshipped order cannot be canceled using the same stage - an error occurs, because there was no shipment.
I’m sure everyone has a Cancel stage in any funnel. And it is logical to have one such stage. And you have to create two.
Original question is available on version: ru


I see several solutions:
1. At the stage where you sell goods, put an action that will fill in the additional field "sold" and at the stage with a return, put the action "Stop performing the following actions when the conditions are met" with the condition "sold = 1" before the return action (put it last)
2. Make improvements so that the return action does not throw an error if there were no operations in the process. Finishing will take 1 hour
31.08.2020, 13:34
Original comment available on version: ru

Bodyako Dmitry wrote:
1. At the stage where you sell goods, put an action that will fill in the additional field "sold" and at the stage with a return, put the action "Stop performing the following actions when the conditions are met" with the condition "sold = 1" before the return action (put it last)

Some crutch turns out. Just considering that this is almost a standard step and a standard Cancel / Redo action, then I believe that this action should not have such an error by default.
31.08.2020, 14:41
Original comment available on version: ru

Yes, this is a standard action that assumes that there will be a standard sale action before it starts. As far as I understand, for some reason, the sale does not occur for you, which is what the action error tells you about. I gave you solutions for this business process setup.
31.08.2020, 15:06
Original comment available on version: ru

Bodyako Dmitry Client wrote:
Yes, this is a standard action that assumes that there will be a standard sale action before it starts. As far as I understand, for some reason, the sale does not occur for you, which is what the action error tells you about. I gave you solutions for this business process setup.

not for any reason, but orders can be canceled both shipped and not shipped. And it would be possible to simply transfer to one stage with this action, but now you need to do extra actions
31.08.2020, 15:12
Original comment available on version: ru

Is there anything else I can help you with in this matter?
31.08.2020, 15:20
Original comment available on version: ru

Yes, you can put up a revision for investment. Or somehow mark here so others can support
01.09.2020, 14:00
Original comment available on version: ru

+1 I agree with the author, most often they suggest making a Crutch to fix a flaw in the functionality than just fixing a flaw.
02.09.2020, 15:03
Original comment available on version: ru

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