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In order є Possibility Print document 1 and one more is required

In order є Possibility Print document https://prnt.sc/v308ne
1 (Tse rahunok)
and you need one more Vidatkov Invoice
It is required that such a button be pressed so that you will print Vidatkov
How tse robiti?
Original question is available on version: ru


Buchkovsky Rostislav Vasilievich
Client wrote:
How tse robiti?

The Dock Print button is a click procedure - /admin/shop/workflow/8/procedure/ , where this action is triggered when clicked - https://prnt.sc/v30uh7 , you can either add another action to the same procedure that will issue another document - /admin/shop/workflow/8/procedure/39/?status=0 or add a separate procedure
20.10.2020, 14:53
Original comment available on version: ru

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