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Document templates

Good day! Tell me how to correctly write the variables in the document template so that the formation of the order of goods in the document is like on the screen, in the process I have sorting by categories and subcategories
Original question is available on version: ua


Good evening. You can try the following settings https://prnt.sc/BMC1aV0zhY8T approximately the following result will be obtained https://prnt.sc/lwrXzItXYqOJ
30.05.2024, 22:32
Original comment available on version: ua

Thank you! Everything worked out! This is how I wrote all the variables for myself
31.05.2024, 10:15
Original comment available on version: ua


OneBox production wrote:

Good evening. You can try the following settings https://prnt.sc/BMC1aV0zhY8T approximately the following result will be obtained https://prnt.sc/lwrXzItXYqOJ

Also, tell me how to make the numbering in the document so that it goes consecutively, and not just the numbering of categories
20.06.2024, четверг, 16:57
Original comment available on version: ua

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