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Omission in KPI calculation - BoxKPI_OrderClouseSumMonth

Universal handler for calculating the amount of closed processes in the system currency.
In the settings, the Counting Period is specified from the 1st to the 31st.
Orders were closed on 30.11 from 23.00 to 23.59.
What time does the cron run?
Ideally, it should fire at 23:59:59 so that absolutely all orders are covered and there are no errors.
Now, apparently, it works for the last time of the day around 23:00, because. as a result, these orders were not included in the kpi calculation.
Original question is available on version: ru


Farkhshatov Rodion wrote:
What time does the cron run?

Every hour, as you have it configured on the server
It's always somewhere in the beginning of the hour
Here it worked apparently at the beginning of 23 hours

Farkhshatov Rodion wrote:
Ideally, it should fire at 23:59:59 so that absolutely all orders are covered and there are no errors.
Now, apparently, it works for the last time of the day around 23:00, because. as a result, these orders were not included in the kpi calculation.

If you have a need for this and the cron works quickly (that at the time the KPI is calculated, a new day has not yet come) - let the system administrator servicing your server write an additional launch of the hourly cron in the crontab at the right time.
If by our forces - we can do it in 1 hour of revision.
02.12.2020, 15:46
Original comment available on version: ru

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