Link copied -

Needed Information on the main side of the mobile version of the site and punctuation in the normal version


Specify the description - it does not give an understanding of what needs to be done.
23.02.2021, 16:21
Original comment available on version: ru

On the headline of the main site є https://prnt.sc/107qb16
Categories (CATALOGUE) with pictures https://prnt.sc/107qc5l
In mobile version there are only categories (CATALOGUE) and even more inconvenient https://prnt.sc/107qe5z
People often complain about what to find, then press back and їх on the head of the wiki
(It was necessary that it was done according to the principle like on the main site with pictures and if you choose a category, then it was transferred to the side of the category)
Try it yourself https://m.rovo.org.ua/
26.02.2021, 19:12
Original comment available on version: ru

Unfortunately, we will not make individual improvements to your mobile version of the online store.
One of the main reasons is that we will not support projects with individual modifications.
01.03.2021, 16:52
Original comment available on version: ru

So create a normal mobile version for everyone (first side) so it won't be individual.
I recommend those that are necessary for everyone. moreover, for the moment, I want to be on such a side and not respect it.
02.03.2021, 10:17
Original comment available on version: ru

So create a normal mobile version for everyone (first side) so it won't be individual.

You can more extensively, with examples and images, describe the technical task of what and how you need to redo / modify - we will consider and evaluate what can be done with the settings.
Or immediately contact integrators with this TK.

I recommend those that are necessary for everyone.

You recommend exactly what you need. I do not see in this collective discussion thread that someone else needs such improvements.

moreover, for the moment, I want to be on such a side and not respect it.

You have purchased the OneBox AS IS (as is). And now the claims that it is not convenient and we are obliged to refine something for you are not appropriate. We don't have to.
02.03.2021, 14:47
Original comment available on version: ru

On the headline of the main site є https://prnt.sc/107qb16
Categories (CATALOGUE) with pictures https://prnt.sc/107qc5l
In mobile version there are only categories (CATALOGUE) and even more inconvenient https://prnt.sc/107qe5z
People often complain about what to find, then press back and їх on the head of the wiki
(It was necessary that it was done according to the principle like on the main site with pictures and if you choose a category, then it was transferred to the side of the category)
Brandy NEW ACTIONS https://prnt.sc/10bewbm
directory below https://prnt.sc/10bewxs
02.03.2021, 18:02
Original comment available on version: ru

Sorry, but I cannot consider such a comment as an objective technical task and evaluate anything for you.
Let's not waste each other's time - contact the integrators, and there agree on what and how you need, etc.
03.03.2021, 15:42
Original comment available on version: ru

What didn't make sense to you?
Need to add
I category
Throwing off the screen for everything
How can I explain to you???
03.03.2021, 19:02
Original comment available on version: ru

Please contact the integrators for the development of terms of reference and evaluation https://crm-onebox.com/en/partner/search/?tags[]=%D0%A1%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%82%D0% B5%D0%BC%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9%20%D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%B0%D1% 82%D0%BE%D1%80%20OneBox
04.03.2021, 16:09
Original comment available on version: ru

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