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Uploading and updating photos subject to conditions

Congratulations! Tell me if it is possible to update and upload photos specifically by brand or supplier? Because there is a bug not only with the limits, but also when you update the photo in all of them, it deletes the video that was added to the gallery on the good side. As an option, we want to try to export only photos from CRM OneBox, provided that it is a brand or a supplier. Where there are no video materials in the gallery. Thank you! Attached an example of action.
Original question is available on version: ua


Good afternoon, you can make a setting so as not to upload photos if the product belongs to a specific brand or one of its suppliers has been selected. Those. The action will upload and update photos accordingly for all, except for products with selected brands or suppliers, which will take 2 hours of refinement. Those. Photos for products of a specific brand or supplier will need to be kept in good print and not in boxing.
24.06.2024, понедельник, 17:57
Original comment available on version: ru

Volokhovich Evgeniy

let him cook

OneBox production wrote:

Good afternoon, you can make settings not to upload photos if the product belongs to a specific brand or one of its suppliers is selected. That is, the action will upload and accordingly update the photo for all, except for products with selected brands or suppliers, it will take 2 hours to complete. That is, Photos for products of a specific brand or supplier will need to be kept in good condition, not in a box.

Issue an invoice?

Congratulations! Thanks for the answer, but it is no longer relevant. Linked the action to the additional brand field. For those who are looking for how to do it, I will remind you that you still need to add a condition to the update action by article. Without an article, the photo will not update.
24.06.2024, понедельник, 18:42
Original comment available on version: ua

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