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Orders from Prom, Rozetka are not coming in

Integrations stopped working
The last order that went into the van box from Prom.ua MobiPrint.in.ua has the date and time on the screenshot.
The last orders that entered Prom.ua MobiPrint.in.ua are shown on the screenshot (screenshot from our mail, where the letter arrives when a new order is added) with the date and time.
The last orders that entered Rozetka.ua Creative M, on the screenshot (screenshot from our mail, where the letter arrives when a new order is added) has the date and time.
Original question is available on version: ua


Сусяк Ігор
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Evgeny, good day
if your box is it https://1b.app/ua/forum/utilities-and-settings/15572-pomilka-veroyatno-zakonchil...
then this is the reason - there is not enough space on the server, so crowns cannot work.
if the server is on your side - let your administrator solve the issue (if not - I can help). if the server is rented - wait for the response of the box administrator via the link I provided.
13.10.2022, 14:06
Original comment available on version: ua

Ihor Susiak
The integrator wrote:
Evgeny, good day
if your box is it https://1b.app/ua/forum/utilities-and-settings/15572-pomilka-veroyatno-zakonchil...
then this is the reason - there is not enough space on the server, so crowns cannot work.
if the server is on your side - let your administrator solve the issue (if not - I can help). if the server is rented - wait for the response of the box administrator via the link I provided.

The server is rented (obviously there was a drop), after solving the link issue, it seemed to work, the only thing that did not increase were the orders that were when crowns did not work.
13.10.2022, 16:16
Original comment available on version: ua

Сусяк Ігор
then I recommend adding the following action https://take.ms/NICs8 and you won't miss the space reduction in the future.
and in order to pull those orders that were when crowns were not working, for Promo you can enter the required number of processes here https://take.ms/CJmNV and they will be pulled without duplicates. it is not possible to check whether there is such a setting for the Socket, you can post a separate task on the forum with specific order numbers.
13.10.2022, 19:06
Original comment available on version: ua

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