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Transfer of products to the well

Product https://crm.dobavki.ua/app/product/36233/edit/?tabid=0
Changed the product discount to 5%
Set up the transfer of products to good
This product on the website https://dobavki.ua/priorin-ot-vypadeniya-volos-priorin-bayer-120-kapsul/?q=prior...
Just the price without the discount was transferred, perhaps for some reason this product is not transferred, because the discounts were previously transferred
I found an error in the logs
data: {"status":"ERROR","response":{"message":"Unknown server error. Please let us know"}}
Tell me what the problem is, how to solve it
Original question is available on version: ru https://qube-soft.com/ crm erp onebox qubesoft внедрение аналитика 1с интегратор


is the problem relevant?
15.07.2022, 14:29
Original comment available on version: ru

anonymous hamster
OneBox production wrote:
is the problem relevant?

Yes, you can look at the logs for the last days, regularly gives this error.
15.07.2022, 14:31
https://qube-soft.com/ crm erp onebox qubesoft внедрение аналитика 1с интегратор Original comment available on version: ru

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