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create an online chat for the site

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Is it possible to make an online chat for a site on the basis of OneBox similar to what is already in Amo CRM?
How many hours will it take to finish?
Original question is available on version: ru


Good afternoon. Why are you not satisfied with third-party chats that can be connected to the site, for example, jivo?
05.11.2020, 18:53
Original comment available on version: ru

Перегіняк Олександр
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)

Bodyako Dmitry
Employee wrote:
Good afternoon. Why are you not satisfied with third-party chats that can be connected to the site, for example, jivo?

I’ll get into a topic that’s not my own, with your permission, so as not to create a separate topic because the topic also touched me.
the cost of using JivoSite is about 300 UAH. per month or 10 USD per operator
the cost of 1 boxing license is 25 dollars. USA
total: the one who uses boxing is forced to pay extra 10 dollars / month for one user working with the chat. it turns out 35 dollars / month. If there are 5 users, then the overpayment is 50 dollars. months (already tangible money)
in amoCRM, the cost per user is 600 UAH / month (some kind of average tariff) or 20 dollars. months (the chat is already there, you don’t need to pay another 10 dollars per month)
total we get that boxing loses in value to a competitor 15 dollars. months or almost 2 times.
this is just one reason, economic
the fact that integration with jivo works late, does not process a bunch of data that jivo transmits, does not allow using the functionality of boxing business processes to send messages to the site visitor, and forces the use of an external service is also worth mentioning.
this is the second reason - technological
and the third reason is political .... jivo is a Russian service
if you want to attract new onebox buyers through
- reducing the cost of operating the product by the client
- improving the functionality of boxing in working with chats
- leveling the political component
then please make such a chat based on at least the existing chat block with the client, which is launched from the client's account
for this, after all, you don’t need much and it’s not difficult, especially for guys like you!
12.12.2020, 15:40
Original comment available on version: ru

your arguments are interesting, but given the fact that we have been refusing to support the online store for 3 years now, this functionality is useless. Does it make sense to finish what you will not develop and support in the future?
15.12.2020, 18:38
Original comment available on version: ru

Перегіняк Олександр
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)

Bodyako Dmitry
Employee wrote:
your arguments are interesting, but given the fact that we have been refusing to support the online store for 3 years now, this functionality is useless. Does it make sense to finish what you will not develop and support in the future?

so .... so it's not about online stores based on onebox at all, but about sites on other engines.
look, you already have a semi-finished functionality of a full-fledged online chat,
there are fundamental points, only lacking
- the ability to connect it with a script on a third-party site (as it is implemented in the same Zhivo or Venyo installed on your site)
- the interface of the chat itself, which will be present on the client's website
- the ability of the chat script to collect information about the user (all sorts of utm-tags, the user's current page, which browser he uses, etc.)
And I remembered about one more bun! Do you also pay money for your venu or did you get it for free? If you make such a chat, you can replace the vein and invest the released funds in the development of your product.
how do you like the idea? )))
if you need help in setting tasks for developing a chat, then I can generate them))))
15.12.2020, 19:10
Original comment available on version: ru

Pereginyak Alexander
Oneboxconsulting (integrator) wrote:
the ability to connect it with a script on a third-party site (as it is implemented in the same Zhivo or Venyo installed on your site)

only here is the functionality of instant responses and monitoring of the client’s actions (viewing the country, the history of the pages where the client went, where he went, the history of communication with him, the ip-address, the list can go on for a long time) - I can also name a pack of features - which you won’t be able to file within OneBox most likely, and if it works out, it will be an unrealistically huge price tag - but a simple chat window that will send a message to the box - but until the operator wakes up, the client will leave, because you need to answer almost instantly (not many people wait a minute until they are answered in the chat even 30 seconds) - sobsna like this.
if we consider it from the side of the client data capture form, then this is a different story and here the chat is not really needed.
15.12.2020, 19:26
«Один юрист із портфелем у руках награбує більше, ніж банда автоматників» Original comment available on version: ru

Перегіняк Олександр
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)

Chizhik Alexander Sergeevich
Administrator wrote:
only here is the functionality of instant responses and monitoring of the client’s actions (viewing the country, the history of the pages where the client went, where he went, the history of communication with him, the ip-address, the list can go on for a long time) - I can also name a pack of features - which you won’t be able to file within OneBox most likely, and if it works out, it will be an unrealistically huge price tag - but a simple chat window that will send a message to the box - but until the operator wakes up, the client will leave, because you need to answer almost instantly (not many people wait a minute until they are answered in the chat even 30 seconds) - sobsna like this.

minute-minute .... so what about the actions of the BP?
to see you and I are a little out of touch. let's get sharp
1. make a chat window that will be displayed on the client's website
2. make a script that will upload this window to the client's website
3. in the settings module of a chat with a client in the OneBox market, make (although it already exists) a field which BP to run for each chat
4. make 1 basic BP for chatting in which there will be two statuses
- chat created
- chat closed
put one action on "chat created" - write an automatic response to the client
"Welcome! Your message has been received and is awaiting processing by the manager"
5. bring all other settings that will ensure the speed of user response to client messages to the responsibility of integrators/users
6. We take out any options for collecting information about the client. If the functionality "takes off", then due to paid improvements it will be possible to "finish". This will also be a demonstration that the functionality is interesting to buyers.
ps there is such a chat tidio.io - an American resource that contains a lot of tracking triggers that react to user behavior on the site. Depending on what the user does, for example, leaves the site, a special message is displayed to him through the chat window. Themes very coolly imitate communication with the site manager.
and yet, when you open the constructor, in which you configure what and when to execute, you understand that this is almost the same box BP constructor.
in total .... starting the development of the functionality of such a chat based on OneBox, a good opportunity opens up to make a similar functionality, the only thing missing is
1. a window that can be hung on the site
2. collecting analytics on user behavior on the site.
do item 1. - this is already considerable progress, which will open access to paragraph 2. through paid improvements from customers.
15.12.2020, 21:27
Original comment available on version: ru

This is all cool, but this is no longer about the crm system, but about a separate chat that is associated with it. This is about the same if we started sawing our telephony, some Skype, and so on in this spirit. This is all cool, but these are separate products that require large investments at the start and a lot of attention and time. If this were not so, then we would not have 2-3 services of the same chats, but 800 and they would cost, as you noted above, not 10 bucks per person, but much more.
15.12.2020, 22:36
Original comment available on version: ru

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