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Uncontrolled telegram notifications

Good day
There are actions at the stage: https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/shop/workflowstatus/496/action/new/
Which sends a notification in Telegram when the condition is met.
Up to a certain point, everything worked ok. But recently, hundreds of such notifications began to arrive for individual orders.
In crm, they are not displayed in any way, but they constantly come to Telegram.
Original question is available on version: ua


This means that you configured the bp in such a way that somehow the cron goes to the stage, actions (sending messages) are launched, and then the cron gets an error. And so on in a circle to infinity. How to fix: find which action throws an error (try on behalf of the responsible person to go and see) or put the sending action last on the stage, then the error will be thrown before sending (if the error is at this stage and not at the next)
13.12.2022, 12:58
Original comment available on version: ru

Got it, thanks
13.12.2022, 14:43
Original comment available on version: ua

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