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Send Telegram message. callback

Good day
How to correctly fill in the callback in the notification when pushing the button to change the status?
How to prescribe it like that at the deposit - nothing is said.
Original question is available on version: ru


Good afternoon. Try the ready-made solution https://1b.app/ru/app/bot-constructor/ where all the buttons available to the client to switch the task status are displayed automatically in each process.
10.06.2022, 10:44
Original comment available on version: ru

So, bachiv tse decision, looking cool
Ale, the client does not have an OS, until you have changed the yogo, go :(
10.06.2022, 10:55
Original comment available on version: ru

try disabling all activities in the step you want to switch the process to. Perhaps one of them gives an error when switching
10.06.2022, 11:09
Original comment available on version: ru

But, in that, it is marvelous that nothing is mentioned.
If you insert it simply, into the notification text [url_change....] - then the message is sent and if pressed - the status is changed.
And, if you write it down, like on the screen in the callback, then stupidly nothing is shown for an hour when the button is pressed.
10.06.2022, 11:21
Original comment available on version: ru

give a link to the process you are switching, you need to watch
10.06.2022, 11:40
Original comment available on version: ru

cleared the logs. Make now the transition of the order to the status that the message sends and answer it so that I can see what happens in the logs
10.06.2022, 12:16
Original comment available on version: ru

Well, I asked above to remove everything that throws errors at the stage
https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/shop/users/214327/ order switches this user. https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/shop/workflowstatus/2666/action/new/ there is an action that prohibits the transition. If it is disabled, the transition fires.
10.06.2022, 12:52
Original comment available on version: ru

in theory, you can make the transition not from the one who presses the button, but from the one who sent the message to the user. But then, in some cases, there may also be an error, because vryatli users with the specified roles will always send messages.
10.06.2022, 12:54
Original comment available on version: ru

anonymous hamster
OneBox production wrote:
Well, I asked above to remove everything that throws errors at the stage
https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/shop/users/214327/ order switches this user. https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/shop/workflowstatus/2666/action/new/ there is an action that prohibits the transition. If it is disabled, the transition fires.

It's amazing, because I didn't think of anything like that on my own. Infection, nibi, pracyuє
10.06.2022, 13:03
Original comment available on version: ru

I made changes, after them it worked, but there was already an error when switching
10.06.2022, 13:07
Original comment available on version: ru

10.06.2022, 14:27
Original comment available on version: ru

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