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Can you pass a few parameters in the "context" field?

Viber, it seems that the "context" field is not cleared by default: https://take.ms/hgmdvz
Tell me, how can you do it, so that at this field you can transfer not only the id of the koristuvach, but the id of the spell?
At once it was done in such a way that the first notification was made through TurboSMS. In the text of this notification, the id of the suggestion is passed, and on the button in the "context" - the id of the client. Needed, so that when you go through this button, it was automatically added to the process of cim ID.
If so, you can realize it, then how long can you borrow?
Original question is available on version: ru


In theory, you can write several parameters there through a separator (for example, something in the style of userid=123&orderid=123, or in general in a json string), and change the processing in receiving callback requests (check whether it is possible to split by separator / process as json ) - and get separately the ID of both the client and the process.
Next, in the action of turning messages into tasks, add checks that if the orderid parameter is passed, then add it to a specific process (but only if the action is set to work only with pushes, and not in the cron).
In time, such an implementation will take about 3 hours.
02.09.2021, 15:50
Original comment available on version: ru

give, be kind, a sum and a card for payment.
03.09.2021, 16:44
Original comment available on version: ru

here they asked for a card and a sum for payment
15.09.2021, 08:40
Original comment available on version: ru

You can specify the value of the argument context=123 (if you only need to find the user at the first contact) or context=userid:123; orderid:321 to search for the user in the case of the first contact, or get the process ID to further launch the actions of turning the message into a process
IMPORTANT! for correct work in the action turning messages into a process, the setting "Action is triggered only when a push is received from a viber" must be enabled
15.09.2021, 15:09
Original comment available on version: ru

already implemented? wow)
15.09.2021, 15:12
Original comment available on version: ru

the checkboxes are set, but the comment for the viber is not added to the request, the number of which is written in the orderID.
maybe, in automation on a thin crown, you need to tick another box? https://take.ms/3kfFG
15.09.2021, 16:26
Original comment available on version: ru

can you give an example of the process where the link went?
and a link where the send action is configured?
15.09.2021, 16:31
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15.09.2021, 16:39
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Yeah, we didn't foresee something - it's that the context comes only when you enter the chat for the first time. That is, subsequent messages come without context..
I redid the refinement so that when passing the context and searching for a contact, it checks if there is an orderid and remembers it for the client as part of the integration.
Further, in the action of turning messages into a process - if it is the launch of an action from pushes and there is a saved orderid for this client - the necessary process will be found.
You need to test it on a test process and a new client so that he enters the chat for the first time (or delete the chat completely and go back to subscribe to the chat)
15.09.2021, 16:59
Original comment available on version: ru

for the new client, it's correct, they misread it. already dyakuyu.
Ale, we do not need to save the orderid for the client. if that client himself creates a new message, and we pass on this context, then it is required that the same client come to that new process.
15.09.2021, 17:07
Original comment available on version: ru

Ale, we do not need to save the orderid for the client. if that client himself creates a new message, and we pass on this context, then it is required that the same client come to that new process.

Well, duck, if it works again as conversation_started (subscribing to a chat), then it will be updated.
But as far as I know, if his chat already exists (not deleted) - then no matter how this event happens - and the context will not come to us.
Otherwise, you need it to come with regular messages as well - it can already pass context to viber as an additional parameter, if viber allows it.
15.09.2021, 17:10
Original comment available on version: ru

And let's actually check it - send the same client a link for another test process - let's see what parameters "arrive" in the push?
and tell the process number
15.09.2021, 17:13
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added to the process that was required. even the old one is not closed. like on me - ideally working.
15.09.2021, 17:24
Original comment available on version: ru

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