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Payments from the future and checkout errors - is it a Bug?

Previously, I already had a problem with decoupling a huge number of payments from orders and inconsistencies in the balance that arose at one moment. Now a "minus" balance has formed on the card and, when reviewing, I saw a payment from the future with a date for July, and duplicate payments in the system. Periodically we do reconciliations on balances and this arose yesterday / today, I noticed today. I see the problem in that it is not visible, for example, the indicator Before and after the payment is made in order to find inconsistencies. it’s not critical for us and the accounting system allows us to equalize errors for today, but in general they happen more than once and it takes a decent amount of time to find and eliminate them
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09.06.2022, 16:01
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the axis of the task of creation on the basis of payments, which were not in fact today
09.06.2022, 17:12
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the axis just showed up, and while I still have money in one wallet (private card), others don’t have problems
10.06.2022, 08:38
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Good afternoon. Unsubscribe in the topic https://1b.app/ru/forum/finances/13930-platezhi-iz-budushchego-/ , where one of the clients has the same problem with payments with the wrong date. If you have it often enough, we can see who messes up - boxing or private
10.06.2022, 11:12
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this continues and payments for old dates doubles drag on, the balance lives its own life. Now nothing has been done with this card for 2 days. and payments for it appear in the system
10.06.2022, 18:42
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here, in a couple of days, 3 times the import of one payment into the system, but the destinations in them, by the way, are different, but this is one payment, you can see it there
11.06.2022, 07:49
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and do not stick, duplicates appear constantly
11.06.2022, 12:51
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Every skin day, 4-10 payments appear in the system, and they stink like a couple of months in advance, so I will be out of the future. already boules on all accounts of privat cards. on the cards itself, there are minuses in the main payment for 2-3 months.
please know the problem, it's just a capet
13.06.2022, 07:59
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I added the logs, tomorrow we can look at them and find out what the error is.
13.06.2022, 18:39
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I am now cleaning all the left payments, do not touch them yet?
13.06.2022, 20:59
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Logs are already working for you, keep an eye on new payments today. From what you can already see - private does not respond to filtering payments by day, i.e. they tell him - "give payments for today", and he gives a bunch of payments for different days, for example, for 2022-05-14 he gives payments for the past and current method. I wrote a ticket about this to the technical support of api private, when there is an answer, I will inform you here
14.06.2022, 09:22
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Thanks. so this problem is not only for me should be if he has problems with Api
14.06.2022, 09:56
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I see at least 5 clients who have already addressed this issue. Track payments today and do not delete duplicates, let's see what happens with the dates today
14.06.2022, 10:13
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Well, all the dates are inconsistent, but only within 5-6 months. ok don't delete
14.06.2022, 14:00
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for today on https://vmk.crm-onebox.com/ I still do not see payments for the wrong dates. Maybe someone else has?
14.06.2022, 16:23
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When a payment is received in the system, a B/P is created for me, and here are today's ones. and the one that for 20003 is generally imported a couple of times every day
14.06.2022, 16:34
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if I didn’t have this process, then these payments are extremely difficult to find
14.06.2022, 16:36
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Repeatedly noticed that Comments of payments can change by themselves.
For example, a payment with one Comment arrives, and if after a few hours this payment is deleted, then in a minute it may appear with a different comment.
And (I won't say for sure) it was that the Comment could change without deleting the payment (perhaps after saving the payment) - pay attention to this when searching for a problem with duplicates.
14.06.2022, 22:00
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Alexander wrote:
Repeatedly noticed that Comments of payments can change by themselves.
For example, a payment with one Comment arrives, and if after a few hours this payment is deleted, then in a minute it may appear with a different comment.
And (I won't say for sure) it was that the Comment could change without deleting the payment (perhaps after saving the payment) - pay attention to this when searching for a problem with duplicates.

yes, this is true, I also confirm that the comments are slightly different for the same payment amounts
14.06.2022, 22:04
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We found an error in issuing api private https://1b.app/ru/forum/finances/13930-platezhi-iz-budushchego-/ details are here in the last comments. Waiting for a response from support
15.06.2022, 16:33
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I have fun in general. Today I saw. I think there are many such payments
16.06.2022, 11:34
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There is no answer from the private yet, I think there are some serious problems arose since such a mess in the api. For my part, I can offer a hotfix that will make it so that only payments with the current date are added by the action and that only its code affects the search for a payment, and the date is not taken into account. So at least we can avoid duplicates while the private will solve his mistake.
16.06.2022, 14:02
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For 1 hour you can make such settings.
20.06.2022, 10:37
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OK. issue an invoice, otherwise it’s crazy to delete these payments that are duplicated 10 times a day
20.06.2022, 10:39
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anonymous hamster
OneBox production wrote:
For 1 hour you can make such settings.

good day! can you create such a hotfix for other projects? do i have to pay for leather box okremo?
20.06.2022, 16:37
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by the way, no payments come from lunch today
20.06.2022, 16:59
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superfluous or left meant. and before that they constantly walked
20.06.2022, 16:59
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If today there are no curve payments, it is possible that the private has rolled out a fix for the problem. If so, then it makes no sense for us to do it. If you do, it will automatically roll out tomorrow to all systems. Did anyone have payments with the wrong date today, or is the import already working normally? If you make a fix, it will automatically roll out tomorrow to all systems with os
20.06.2022, 17:16
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Added to action for os settings:
Create only payments created on the current calendar day
Search for payments by code only. By default, the search occurs in the fields code + date
From the description, I think it's clear what they're doing. Both need to be enabled until private fixes the error. Support has not yet responded to emails.
20.06.2022, 21:00
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what about MVP?
21.06.2022, 09:45
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anonymous hamster
OneBox production wrote:
Added to action for os settings:
Create only payments created on the current calendar day
Search for payments by code only. By default, the search occurs in the fields code + date
From the description, I think it's clear what they're doing. Both need to be enabled until private fixes the error. Support has not yet responded to emails.

There is also an import of payments by cards and by account
21.06.2022, 09:56
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only one action is buggy. There is no fix for mvp yet
21.06.2022, 10:46
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Privat admitted a mistake a week later:
"They removed the information from the retailers, at the current moment, it is correct and pointwise for some clients there is not a correct payment for the withdrawal of the bills, through the transition to a new service, the nutrition is already on the service from the retailers, after the transition to the new service will be canceled again."
I think it will take a couple of weeks to fix it, if it continues at such a speed.
23.06.2022, 10:56
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