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At the transfer of the client's appointment, the payment is displayed according to the process, which was carried out according to the other process for the other client

At the transfer of the client’s appointment, the payment was made according to the process, which was carried out according to the other process for the other client. The design process BP 118110 was created on the basis of the design process 118109 as a design process. According to the process 118110, the payment was made and the Batkiv process was cleaned up. For the transfer of the client’s order from the forward process, the amount is displayed , and the final payment is made to another client https://logogroup.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/mode/list/? filterclientid=28707%2C27723&filtershowclosed=1&searchLine= , I really didn't want to pay. Could you please tell me how to correct this situation?
Original question is available on version: ru


I don't see any payment linking error - the payment is displayed in the process to which it is linked. If you need it to be in another process, go to editing the payment and change the binding.
15.02.2022, 13:40
Original comment available on version: ru

Tyndyk Maxim Vadimovich wrote:
I don't see any payment linking error - the payment is displayed in the process to which it is linked. If you need it to be in another process, go to editing the payment and change the binding.

Payment of bindings to process 118110, and on the screen you can see that the vin is displayed in process 118109.
15.02.2022, 14:21
Original comment available on version: ru

Lotocka_Kristina wrote:
The payment of bindings is up to the process 118110, and on the screen you can see that the vin is displayed in the process 118109.

It doesn't show up there. You have not recalculated the "Paid" field after changing the parent process, because there were no direct changes in the payment. If you resave the process - it
Specify how the parent process was removed - by hand through the universal block or by some of the actions?
15.02.2022, 15:35
Original comment available on version: ru

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