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Consultation on setting up telephony asterisk

Consultation on setting up telephony asterisk
Project https://crm.sportlife.ua/
Phone set up. Calls go, events are created.
The problem is pulling up the records of conversations.
It gives the error "Sound recording is temporarily unavailable." https://prnt.sc/zzc354
Contact with test calls https://crm.sportlife.ua/admin/shop/users/89/event/
Action added https://prnt.sc/zzm5fd
After the name template was specified - the logs are empty
Original question is available on version: ru


Good afternoon.
You have a problem connecting to the FTP server.
[error message] => FTP template file not correct
The error can be seen in the logs
18.02.2021, 17:15
Original comment available on version: ru

Look at the date of the last error.
Then the template was configured incorrectly.
18.02.2021, 17:16
Original comment available on version: ru

2021-02-17 at 13:08 I changed the template and the error stopped appearing in the logs.
18.02.2021, 17:20
Original comment available on version: ru

There is no problem with connecting the box to the FTP server.
There is a connection (login password is accepted), but the directory cannot be read.
18.02.2021, 17:21
Original comment available on version: ru

Tasun Sergey Vladimirovich
Employee wrote:
There is no problem with connecting the box to the FTP server.
There is a connection (login password is accepted), but the directory cannot be read.

Can you describe more precisely what could be the reasons??
What to look for?
18.02.2021, 17:23
Original comment available on version: ru

When reading a directory, when issuing dir or ls commands
227 Entering Passive Mode (172,28,51,7,196,22).
and that's it, no answer.
18.02.2021, 17:34
Original comment available on version: ru

/2021/02/15/2021-02-15 10:56:34-5557-0976915328.wav
This is how we pass the audio path and name to filename
/2021/02/15/ are the names of the folders. Next comes the title of the entry.
Please check and compare with the settings in the integration and the record search action
19.02.2021, 10:25
Original comment available on version: ru

Andrey wrote:
/2021/02/15/2021-02-15 10:56:34-5557-0976915328.wav
This is how we pass the audio path and name to filename
/2021/02/15/ are the names of the folders. Next comes the title of the entry.

Good afternoon.
It's great that you've set it up this way.
But the problem that I wrote to you about above is that from the box server to the FTP server
You can connect, but you can't read folders and files.
Data is not transmitted in both passive and active modes.

Andrey wrote:
Please check and compare with the settings in the integration and the record search action

We are not engaged in setting up boxes.
There is a separate Intergator service for this.
19.02.2021, 12:44
Original comment available on version: ru

he makes a connection and then nothing
Fri Feb 19 19:23:47 2021 [pid 21127] CONNECT: Client ""
Fri Feb 19 19:23:47 2021 [pid 21127] FTP response: Client "", "220 (vsFTPd 3.0.2)"
Fri Feb 19 19:23:47 2021 [pid 21127] FTP command: Client "", "USER ftpuser"
Fri Feb 19 19:23:47 2021 [pid 21127] [ftpuser] FTP response: Client "", "331 Please specify the password."
Fri Feb 19 19:23:47 2021 [pid 21127] [ftpuser] FTP command: Client "", "PASS <password>"
Fri Feb 19 19:23:47 2021 [pid 21126] [ftpuser] OK LOGIN: Client ""
Fri Feb 19 19:23:47 2021 [pid 21128] [ftpuser] FTP response: Client "", "230 Login successful."
Fri Feb 19 19:23:47 2021 [pid 21128] [ftpuser] FTP command: Client "", "PASV"
Fri Feb 19 19:23:47 2021 [pid 21128] [ftpuser] FTP response: Client "", "227 Entering Passive Mode (172,28,51,7,195,216)."
19.02.2021, 19:49
Original comment available on version: ru

Here are the logs from the server:
And in boxing at this time in the logs is empty.
Fri Feb 19 19:55:03 2021 [pid 21635] CONNECT: Client ""
Fri Feb 19 19:55:03 2021 [pid 21635] FTP response: Client "", "220 (vsFTPd 3.0.2)"
Fri Feb 19 19:55:03 2021 [pid 21635] FTP command: Client "", "USER ftpuser"
Fri Feb 19 19:55:03 2021 [pid 21635] [ftpuser] FTP response: Client "", "331 Please specify the password."
Fri Feb 19 19:55:03 2021 [pid 21635] [ftpuser] FTP command: Client "", "PASS <password>"
Fri Feb 19 19:55:03 2021 [pid 21634] [ftpuser] OK LOGIN: Client ""
Fri Feb 19 19:55:03 2021 [pid 21636] [ftpuser] FTP response: Client "", "230 Login successful."
Fri Feb 19 19:55:03 2021 [pid 21636] [ftpuser] FTP command: Client "", "PASV"
Fri Feb 19 19:55:03 2021 [pid 21636] [ftpuser] FTP response: Client "", "227 Entering Passive Mode (172,28,51,7,195,143)."
Fri Feb 19 19:55:03 2021 [pid 21636] [ftpuser] FTP command: Client "", "TYPE A"
Fri Feb 19 19:55:03 2021 [pid 21636] [ftpuser] FTP response: Client "", "200 Switching to ASCII mode."
Fri Feb 19 19:55:13 2021 [pid 21636] [ftpuser] FTP command: Client "", "QUIT"
Fri Feb 19 19:55:13 2021 [pid 21636] [ftpuser] FTP response: Client "", "221 Goodbye."
Fri Feb 19 20:00:17 2021 [pid 21761] CONNECT: Client ""
Fri Feb 19 20:00:17 2021 [pid 21761] FTP response: Client "", "220 (vsFTPd 3.0.2)"
Fri Feb 19 20:00:17 2021 [pid 21761] FTP command: Client "", "USER ftpuser"
Fri Feb 19 20:00:17 2021 [pid 21761] [ftpuser] FTP response: Client "", "331 Please specify the password."
Fri Feb 19 20:00:17 2021 [pid 21761] [ftpuser] FTP command: Client "", "PASS <password>"
Fri Feb 19 20:00:17 2021 [pid 21760] [ftpuser] OK LOGIN: Client ""
Fri Feb 19 20:00:17 2021 [pid 21762] [ftpuser] FTP response: Client "", "230 Login successful."
Fri Feb 19 20:00:17 2021 [pid 21762] [ftpuser] FTP command: Client "", "PASV"
Fri Feb 19 20:00:17 2021 [pid 21762] [ftpuser] FTP response: Client "", "227 Entering Passive Mode (172,28,51,7,195,118)."
Fri Feb 19 20:00:17 2021 [pid 21762] [ftpuser] FTP command: Client "", "TYPE A"
Fri Feb 19 20:00:17 2021 [pid 21762] [ftpuser] FTP response: Client "", "200 Switching to ASCII mode."
Fri Feb 19 20:00:27 2021 [pid 21762] [ftpuser] FTP command: Client "", "QUIT"
Fri Feb 19 20:00:27 2021 [pid 21762] [ftpuser] FTP response: Client "", "221 Goodbye."
19.02.2021, 20:09
Original comment available on version: ru

Good afternoon.
I don't really understand what exactly you want from us.
I wrote to you what is going on. You can connect to the FTP server from the box server, but no data is transmitted.
Your crm.sportlife.ua box is hosted and works on your server.
Who's stopping you from going to the boxing server, connect with an FTP client to your FTP server and download any file.
And when you succeed, the sound recordings will be available for listening.
Also, if you have no questions about our product, then I consider this conversation finished.
Since setting up an FTP server on the telephony side is not the responsibility of our company.
Now to your logs:
Why does the FTP Client have IP "" in the logs you provided?
The box server that makes the connections has an IP of
I assume that your server is behind NAT and you only forwarded 21 ports.
Teria states that this is not enough:
In most cases, for the normal operation of the FTP server behind NAT, it will be enough to forward port 21 for the control session, 20 for the active mode (if used), and also specify and forward the range of dynamic ports for data transfer.
20.02.2021, 21:03
Original comment available on version: ru

box requests to switch to ASCII mode
then 10 seconds it hangs and exits
Gives the exit command.
22.02.2021, 18:10
Original comment available on version: ru

Is there anything else you can help with? How to solve this problem?
Can eat an alternative variant of reception of records?
24.02.2021, 10:48
Original comment available on version: ru

Tasun Sergey Vladimirovich
Employee wrote:

Andrey wrote:
/2021/02/15/2021-02-15 10:56:34-5557-0976915328.wav
This is how we pass the audio path and name to filename
/2021/02/15/ are the names of the folders. Next comes the title of the entry.

Good afternoon.
It's great that you've set it up this way.
But the problem that I wrote to you about above is that from the box server to the FTP server
You can connect, but you can't read folders and files.
Data is not transmitted in both passive and active modes.

Andrey wrote:
Please check and compare with the settings in the integration and the record search action

We are not engaged in setting up boxes.
There is a separate Intergator service for this.

I didn't ask you to tune in.
Then give instructions on setting up integration with asterisk telephony.
Get call records and set up automatic actions.
24.02.2021, 10:56
Original comment available on version: ru

Gentlemen, Kirill Zagatny, Maxim Miroshnichenko, we bought from you a system in which "everything works out of the box."
The basic functionality of any CRM on the market is integration with telephony.
For a month we have been trying to integrate a basic (not bloated beyond recognition) Asterisk inside OneBox.
You have to dance with a tambourine, and not use it "out of the box".
I repeat, the functionality is BASIC!
Above are the logs.
There is access to FTP, but Boxing leaves on its own in AHCI-mode, and after that it says "Goodbye"
I, as a business customer, want to get a conversation record from the client's card, but what I do is study the logs.
Also it is not necessary to drive me to and the integrator or the server worker. Please, provide a reasoned answer to the question of why Box decides to independently disconnect from the server to which he has access.
Wed Feb 24 09:29:18 2021 [pid 11944] CONNECT: Client ""
Wed Feb 24 09:29:18 2021 [pid 11944] FTP response: Client "", "220 (vsFTPd 3.0.2)"
Wed Feb 24 09:29:18 2021 [pid 11944] FTP command: Client "", "USER ftpuser"
Wed Feb 24 09:29:18 2021 [pid 11944] [ftpuser] FTP response: Client "", "331 Please specify the password."
Wed Feb 24 09:29:18 2021 [pid 11944] [ftpuser] FTP command: Client "", "PASS <password>"
Wed Feb 24 09:29:18 2021 [pid 11943] [ftpuser] OK LOGIN: Client ""
Wed Feb 24 09:29:18 2021 [pid 11945] [ftpuser] FTP response: Client "", "230 Login successful."
Wed Feb 24 09:29:19 2021 [pid 11945] [ftpuser] FTP command: Client "", "PASV"
Wed Feb 24 09:29:19 2021 [pid 11945] [ftpuser] FTP response: Client "", "227 Entering Passive Mode (172,28,51,7,195,212)."
Wed Feb 24 09:29:19 2021 [pid 11945] [ftpuser] FTP command: Client "", "TYPE A"
Wed Feb 24 09:29:19 2021 [pid 11945] [ftpuser] FTP response: Client "", "200 Switching to ASCII mode."
Wed Feb 24 09:29:29 2021 [pid 11945] [ftpuser] FTP command: Client "", "QUIT"
Wed Feb 24 09:29:29 2021 [pid 11945] [ftpuser] FTP response: Client "", "221 Goodbye."
24.02.2021, 11:07
Original comment available on version: ru

Good afternoon.
In the answers to your specialist, I described everything very clearly.

Overchenko Alexander
Client wrote:
Please, provide a reasoned answer to the question of why Box decides to independently disconnect from the server to which he has access.

- Where can you see that the boxing server has access to the ftp server of your telephony?
I personally went to your server where the CRM is located and tried to connect to your telephony server from it.
There is no connection, which I wrote about and attached a screen. I also suggested that your specialist not show here
logs, but just go to the box server and try to connect.
And only today at 11:52 I see that someone took advantage of this advice.
root pts/0 Wed Feb 24 11:52 still logged in
- In the ftp logs you provided, comet has IP which belongs to
IP Owner: Internet Assigned Numbers Authority Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
Owner IP Range: - (1,048,576 ip)
Owner Address: 12025 Waterfront Drive, Suite 300 Los Angeles CA 90094, USA
Owner Country: USA
Why did you decide that these are boxing connections when the boxing server has an IP of ?
24.02.2021, 14:03
Original comment available on version: ru

Tasun Sergey Vladimirovich
Employee wrote:
Good afternoon.
I don't really understand what exactly you want from us.
I wrote to you what is going on. You can connect to the FTP server from the box server, but no data is transmitted.
Your crm.sportlife.ua box is hosted and works on your server.
Who's stopping you from going to the boxing server, connect with an FTP client to your FTP server and download any file.
And when you succeed, the sound recordings will be available for listening.
Also, if you have no questions about our product, then I consider this conversation finished.
Since setting up an FTP server on the telephony side is not the responsibility of our company.
Now to your logs:
Why does the FTP Client have IP "" in the logs you provided?
The box server that makes the connections has an IP of
I assume that your server is behind NAT and you only forwarded 21 ports.
Teria states that this is not enough:
In most cases, for the normal operation of the FTP server behind NAT, it will be enough to forward port 21 for the control session, 20 for the active mode (if used), and also specify and forward the range of dynamic ports for data transfer.

25.02.2021, 10:49
Original comment available on version: ru

If the files are not available from the root, but what is your path to the file: year/month/day/
Then in the field "FTP directory" you need to specify
Since AMI is not available from the box server side:
click-to-call will not work and there will be no pop-ups on calls (in/out).
In the settings, you indicated that the events receive "Receive a list of calls via PUSH"
But in the logs, I did not find more than one push from the telephony server.
Accordingly, there are no events from telephony "Asterisk-sl" in the box.
25.02.2021, 12:23
Original comment available on version: ru

Sergey, what if click-to-call and pop-up windows work? Logs arrive and are displayed in events, but it is still impossible to pull out the record?
25.02.2021, 14:34
Original comment available on version: ru

Calls are passed through the call creation API.
Cards pop up.
Here are the logs https://prnt.sc/106koxr
Events are pulled by the action "Create events based on the database of current calls" https://prnt.sc/106kqdj
25.02.2021, 14:47
Original comment available on version: ru

There is no such path in FTP (extra /records/)
[filename] => /records/2021/02/25/2021-02-25 15:22:18-380676598578-0443634222.wav
If you transfer the file in this form (if you substitute it for FTP, then there will be the correct path to the file)
[filename] => /2021/02/25/2021-02-25 15:32:02-0972518447-5100.wav
And again without a file.
[filename] => ////.wav
25.02.2021, 15:46
Original comment available on version: ru

Andrey wrote:
Calls are passed through the call creation API.
Cards pop up.
Here are the logs https://prnt.sc/106koxr
Events are pulled by the action "Create events based on the database of current calls" https://prnt.sc/106kqdj

I did not guess how you transmitted data about calls.
25.02.2021, 15:50
Original comment available on version: ru

Everything worked out.
thanks for the help
25.02.2021, 16:02
Original comment available on version: ru

Andrey wrote:
Everything worked out.
thanks for the help

What could.
As I understand it, the tunnel solved the issues and everything started up.
25.02.2021, 16:13
Original comment available on version: ru

Tasun Sergey Vladimirovich
As I understand it, the tunnel solved the issues and everything started up.

For now, yes. And we'll see. Thank you!
25.02.2021, 16:15
Original comment available on version: ru

Andrey wrote:
Everything worked out.
thanks for the help

Can you describe in more detail how you solved this problem?
03.03.2021, 14:04
Original comment available on version: ru

Yurkevich Oleksandr Igorovich
Client wrote:

Andrey wrote:
Everything worked out.
thanks for the help

Can you describe in more detail how you solved this problem?

connected sites vpn-ohm
03.03.2021, 17:57
Original comment available on version: ru

Please join the conversation. If you have something to say - please write a comment. You will need a mobile phone and an SMS code for identification to enter. Log in and comment