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Changing the stage of the process in view of ivr

Congratulations! A voice menu has been set up in telephony, where after the greeting they are offered to press 1 if they want to be called back. How can you change the status from "missed call" to "call back" if 1 was pressed in telephony?
Original question is available on version: ua


Good day, if you are talking about the status of the call itself in telephony, then this question should be forwarded to Nextel
06.11.2024, среда, 16:29
Original comment available on version: ru

The status of the call does not change, the status is noanswer. But some of those in the noanswer status press 1 in the voice menu, and some do not. Nextel (unitalk) offered the following option:
Has button 1 been pressed?
We are able to transfer this information using webhooks, webhook documentation at: https://unitalk.cloud/uk/api-references/#vebhykii
If the CRM is able to accept webhooks, the information will be received correctly.
Maybe as an option to fill in an additional field in this way, and then redirect to the stage depending on the filled field?
06.11.2024, среда, 16:41
Original comment available on version: ua

Well, they should push the call to us after it's finished and there should be information about its IVR. Let's add more specifics to the question. Give a link to some call in a specific box where this menu was called and some button was pressed. I'll see what came in on this call and depending on that we'll move on.
06.11.2024, среда, 16:48
Original comment available on version: ru

06.11.2024, среда, 16:52

Нам по нему пришло 2 таких пуша

[2024-11-04 12:16:10]
host: hocss.1b.app
url: /nextel/push/
contentID: nextel-push
point: /shop.starter.php
engine_sessionid: 1730715370_8512
data: {"event":"CALL_NEW","projectName":"1552","call":{"outerNumber":"380573415813","utmSource":null,"utmMedium":null,"utmCampaign":null,"utmTerm":null,"utmContent":null,"googleId":null,"facebookClientId"
ndsTalk":0,"callback":false,"date":"2024-11-04 12:16:10","state":null,"link":null,"source":"REGULAR","cause":null,"hasSeparateRecords":false}}

[2024-11-04 12:16:24]
host: hocss.1b.app
url: /nextel/push/
contentID: nextel-push
point: /shop.starter.php
engine_sessionid: 1730715384_7016
data: {"event":"CALL_END","projectName":"1552","call":{"outerNumber":"380573415813","utmSource":null,"utmMedium":null,"utmCampaign":null,"utmTerm":null,"utmContent":null,"googleId":null,"facebookClientId"
lTime":13,"secondsTalk":0,"callback":false,"date":"2024-11-04 12:16:10","state":"NOANSWER","link":null,"source":"REGULAR","cause":16,"hasSeparateRecords":false}}

телефония может во второй пуш (event:CALL_END) прислать информацию о том какие кнопки нажимались юзером?
06.11.2024, среда, 17:03

telephone answer:
UniTalk Denys????
Yes, you can transmit the button that was pressed in the voice menu.
"ivrName":"Distribution by departments", // Name of the voice menu
"from":"380971234567", // Subscriber's phone number
"outerNumber":"380441234567", // The outside line that was used to make or receive the call. Contains the site name in the case of a callback
"pressedDigit":2, // Digit pressed by the caller. Can be null
"actionType": "MAIN", // Action type. "MAIN" - main action, "NO_CHOICE" - no choice action, "WRONG_DIGIT" - wrong choice action
"projectName": "myproject", // Name of the project
"utmCampaign": "sale2021", // Analytics tags. Can be null
"utmSource": "google", // Analytics tags. Can be null
"utmMedium": "email", // Analytics tags. Can be null
"utmTerm": "term", // Analytics tags. Can be null
"utmContent": "content", // Analytics tags. Can be null
"googleId": "11111.11111", // Analytics tags. Can be null
"facebookClientId": "fb.1.1234567890" // Analytics tags. Can be null
Please tell me what format for the CALL_END event the OneBox service needs to correctly process the provided data?
06.11.2024, среда, 17:25
Original comment available on version: ua

As I understand it, it is necessary to transfer this: "pressedDigit":2, // The digit pressed by the subscriber. Can be null
06.11.2024, среда, 21:07
Original comment available on version: ua

Дворак Микола
Papidu Digital Agency писал/а:

в тот что выше

{"event":"CALL_END","projectName":"1552","call":{"outerNumber":"380573415813","utmSource":null,"utm Medium":null,"utmCampaign":null,"utmTerm":null,"utmContent":null,"googleId":null,"facebookClientId"
:null,"gclid":null,"cdid":null,"referer":null,"ip":null,"lastUrl":null,"meta":null,"id":1519000191,"db id":1289,"from":"380988373080","to":["380573415813"],"lastGroupName":null,"direction":"IN","secondsFul
lTime":13,"secondsTalk":0,"callback":false,"date":"2024-11-04 12:16:10","state":"NOANSWER","link":null,"source ":"REGULAR","cause":16,"hasSeparateRecords":false}}

добавьте поле pressedDigit и все)
вчера, 11:05

i.e. in the request that is already coming to us, add one field with a button, then we can modify it so that it is written in the additional field of the event and after that transferred to the task or wherever it is needed.
вчера, 11:10
Original comment available on version: ru

Added. Here is the test event https://hocss.1b.app/app/event/1090/
вчера, 12:20
Original comment available on version: ua

I write to you "add the button click result to the CURRENT event creation request". You ignore and add a NEW request with the ivr result (which I did not ask for) and do not add the same information to the request after the event ends.
[2024-11-07 12:19:19]
host: hocss.1b.app
URL: /nextel/push/
contentID: nextel-push
point: /shop.starter.php
engine_sessionid: 1730974759_4709
data: {
"event": "IVR_ACTION",
"projectName": "1552",
"call": {
"outerNumber": "380573415813",
"id": "1495207112",
"dbid": "1551",
"from": "380988373080",
"to": ["380988373080"],
"direction": "IN",
"secondsFullTime": "0",
"secondsTalk": "0",
"date": "2024-11-07 12:19:04",
"state": "DIALING",
"link": "",
"source": "REGULAR",
"cause": "",
"pressedDigit": "1"
[2024-11-07 12:19:23]
host: hocss.1b.app
URL: /nextel/push/
contentID: nextel-push
point: /shop.starter.php
engine_sessionid: 1730974763_579
data: {"event":"CALL_END","projectName":"1552","call":{"outerNumber":"380573415813","utmSource":null,"utmMedium":null,"utmCampaign":null, "utmTerm":null,"utmContent":null,"googleId":null,"facebookClientId"
:null,"gclid":null,"cdid":null,"referer":null,"ip":null,"lastUrl":null,"meta":null,"id":1495207112,"dbid":1551 ,"from":"380988373080","to":["380573415813"],"lastGroupName":null,"direction":"IN","secondsFul
lTime":19,"secondsTalk":0,"callback":false,"date":"2024-11-07 12:19:04","state":"NOANSWER","link":null,"source ":"REGULAR","cause":16,"hasSeparateRecords":false}}
If you can’t do it, well write that I can’t, why write that you did it if no one did anything?
I see that you already have an action set up to create events once per minute, it should ideally create a new task for you for this event, what do you want to change in this case?
вчера, 15:08
Original comment available on version: ru

Here is the correspondence with their support (I have attached 2 screenshots). They indicated what they added. Yes, if the event creation action is configured once per minute, it creates a new task for this event. But the question is to add to the additional field information whether the button was pressed or not. And as far as I can see, it seems to already be there (screen attached)

The bottom line is that the client who did not press the button alone should become disabled, and those who did should be tasked. If we have a number in the additional field, we can check the value and change the stage
вчера, 15:40
Original comment available on version: ua

Here, if I understood correctly, comes the number that was pressed
вчера, 15:48
Original comment available on version: ua

Sent your request to telephony support, here is their response:
As far as I understand Oneboh support wants us to remove sending webhook after ivr. And we left the current integration webhooks to which we will add a new field with a "button"
Now we will enter the settings, please wait
вчера, 15:55
Original comment available on version: ua

Telephony Support Answer:
UniTalk Dmytro????
Checked the information and made several test calls.
Currently, the value of the digit pressed by the subscriber can only be correctly transmitted with the help of the second request with the IVR result.
I suggest testing the following logic:
We changed the value of the event to CALL_END, which will be transmitted after the end of the IVR to Onebox with the value of the number pressed by the subscriber. At the end of the call, the exact same webhook will be sent, however, without the value of the number pressed by the caller.
Please check with Onebox support whether they will be able to correctly process 1 request that arrives after the end of the IVR and ignore the next identical request without the value of the number pressed by the subscriber.
Or return to the original logic: where there will be a standard request to create an event and another one with the ivr result and the number the subscriber pressed
вчера, 17:07
Original comment available on version: ua

let him cook
OneBox production писал/а:
[2024-11-07 12:19:23]
host: hocss.1b.app
url: /nextel/push/
contentID: nextel-push
point: /shop.starter.php
engine_sessionid: 1730974763_579
data: {"event":"CALL_END","projectName":"1552","call":{"outerNumber":"380573415813","utmSource":null,"utmMedium":null,"utmCampaign":null, "utmTerm":null,"utmContent":null,"googleId":null,"facebookClientId"
:null,"gclid":null,"cdid":null,"referer":null,"ip":null,"lastUrl":null,"meta":null,"id":1495207112,"dbid":1551 ,"from":"380988373080","to":["380573415813"],"lastGroupName":null,"direction":"IN","secondsFul
lTime":19,"secondsTalk":0,"callback":false,"date":"2024-11-07 12:19:04","state":"NOANSWER","link":null,"source ":"REGULAR","cause":16,"hasSeparateRecords":false}}

они не могут просто изменить событие CALL_END и добавить в него ivrdata?
например чтобы пуш стал такой
{"event":"CALL_END","projectName":"1552","call":{"outerNumber":"380573415813","utmSource":null,"utmMedium":null,"utmCampaign":null, "utmTerm":null,"utmContent":null,"googleId":null,"facebookClientId"
:null,"gclid":null,"cdid":null,"referer":null,"ip":null,"lastUrl":null,"meta":null,"id":1495207112,"dbid":1551 ,"from":"380988373080","to":["380573415813"],"lastGroupName":null,"direction":"IN","secondsFul
lTime":19,"secondsTalk":0,"callback":false,"date":"2024-11-07 12:19:04","state":"NOANSWER","link":null,"source ":"REGULAR","cause":16,"hasSeparateRecords":false},"ivdata":{"pressedDigit":1}}

нам неудобно из нескольких разных пушей собирать по кусочкам данные о событии. Если они не могут это сделать, я сделаю это с нашей стороны но это будет на несколько часов дороже.
Так же прошу ответить Вас на вопрос

"Я бачу, що у Вас зараз вже налаштована дія зі створення подій раз на хвилину, вона по ідеї повинна створювати вам нове завдання по цій події, що Ви хочете змінити в даному випадку?"
вчера, 17:24

I also ask you to answer the question
"I see that you currently have an action set up to create events once per minute, it should create a new task for you for that event, what do you want to change in this case?"

We need that: the task created from the call without the button pressed, comes and goes to the "invalid" stage, and with the button pressed, remains "in work"
вчера, 17:34
Original comment available on version: ua

I sent a request for telephony, I am waiting for a response
вчера, 17:34
Original comment available on version: ua

Answer from telephony:
Unitalk Ivan ????
We clarified the information from the developers - we can transmit the value of the pressed button only if we send a webhook from the voice menu itself - that is, the action will be IVR_ACTION, not CALL_END. This is due to the fact that in the case when several voice menus are used in a call, it will be difficult to determine which value must be transmitted
вчера, 17:50
Original comment available on version: ua

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