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at /app/settings/newcommunicationscenter/
Select all the apps you want
29.12.2022, 11:53
Original comment available on version: ru

Полупан Сергій Polupan
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OneBox production wrote:
on the page /app/settings/newcommunicationscenter/
Select all the required programs

What is this page and how to find it?
29.12.2022, 12:35
Original comment available on version: ua

these are the other settings of the Communication Center app
29.12.2022, 13:19
Original comment available on version: ru

OneBox production wrote:
these are other settings of the Communication Center application

For some reason I have no other settings in the communication center.
Is this a bug?
Only "App Information" and "App Support"
06.03.2023, 10:10
Original comment available on version: ua

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