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Copy product image

Hello. Tell me, please, is it possible to copy the contents of the built-in block of the product "Image (image)" using actions (in a procedure or at a stage)?
Example: There are 2 products in the products table, one has an image. By clicking the procedure/stage button, this image is copied to the fields of the second product (additional product fields or product fields).
I've seen the action "Add product image based on process products additional field file", but it requires a file to be uploaded before changing the image. I've seen {|$basketsArray|} variables that include image but couldn't get those variables to work. What is their syntax? {|$basketimage|}?
Original question is available on version: ru


Hello, as far as I remember, fields from one product cannot be copied to the second. The action you specify only copies the value of the additional field of the same product to the product, not the second one. Also, through this action, you can copy a photo from the additional field of the process (the "get file from the additional field" setting or something similar, it should be the first in the action settings). Those. in theory, if you can copy a photo from the first product in the additional process field, then you can then transfer the same photo to other products of the process.
Perhaps if you give me a link to the process and explain why this is necessary, I can give you a solution to this problem.
01.10.2020, 10:58
Original comment available on version: ru

Here is a link to the test task:
It contains a product that already has a certain image in our database, and there is also a frame for this product. It is necessary that the image of the product is automatically assigned to the frame of this product.
Also, please tell me about the syntax of the variables {|$basketsArray|} from the "Directory of Variables for Letters and Processes" (the second part of the question above) - how to write these variables correctly and is it possible to use them for our purposes?
01.10.2020, 11:17
Original comment available on version: ru

I understand, thanks for the description.
I don’t know how to do this using the current functionality, in the actions of copying fields / additional fields that I looked at, there is usually no way to copy images. I can suggest a refinement of a separate action that will copy the images of one product of the process into the image of the second if the second photo does not already exist. This action will take about an hour to complete. It will work only if there are 2 products in the process and one of them does not have a photo, while the second one does. You can also wind up checks for additional fields there (by type, copy the image only if the product of the process has the additional field XXX = YYY value or copy only for selected products, etc., but as far as I understand, in this situation you do not need this)
01.10.2020, 11:30
Original comment available on version: ru

Thank you, we'll see what we can do.
05.10.2020, 12:59
Original comment available on version: ru

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