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OS - Enhancement - "Change process name" action

Now, thanks to this action, you can make the name capacious and functional by collecting it from different fields.
But because of this, it is not taken into account that the name may contain separators, which, in the absence of one of the fields, create "ugliness for reading and perception" in the name.
For example, if all the fields are there, then the name can be:
1234 - Tsvetnaya street 35, apt. 55 - Office space - Vasily Pupkin
1234, Tsvetnaya street 35, apt. 55, Office space, Vasily Pupkin
But if something is not filled, then it will be like this:
1234 - Tsvetnaya street 35, apt. - -
or so
1234 - - - Vasily Pupkin
So the suggestion is to check these separators, as it is done in automation for products with commas: Calculate the value according to the formula and write it to the specified field. Only in the case of a title, let the user choose which delimiter to use : | \ , - - or some other character.
Original question is available on version: ru


only as revision 2 hours
11.10.2021, 06:44
Original comment available on version: ru

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