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How to copy the value from the additional field of the product of the process to the additional field of the warehouse?


1. Link the process product additional field with the warehouse additional field.
2. Capitalize via order
24.06.2024, понедельник, 14:45
Original comment available on version: ru

Легеза Вячеслав iCOLOR OneBox
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let him cook

OneBox production wrote:

1. Connect the dopfield of the product of the process with the dopfield of the warehouse.

This is

let him cook

OneBox production wrote:

2. To sell through an order

We are profiting through a task in BP Procurement

The problem was that there was also a tick to be ticked.

Now everything works OK.

Thank you sincerely
24.06.2024, понедельник, 15:11
Вячеслав Легеза Original comment available on version: ua

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