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Turn call to process automation is not working


Good day. You have the setting "Do not create a process if there is an open process in the specified business process" and the "Only consider client processes" checkbox is not checked, so the system found an open process and does not run the action
11.10.2023, 15:06
Original comment available on version: ua

The fact is that there are no open processes for the client, I delete all agreements from myself, delete my contact, call, the contact is created, but the agreement is not
11.10.2023, 17:10
Original comment available on version: ua

if only open processes are needed for the client, then check the box "Take into account only client processes"
11.10.2023, 18:12
Original comment available on version: ua

Дворак Микола Papidu Digital Agency
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It is necessary that when a client calls, for which there are no open processes, a process is created during the call. I delete all the processes, I delete my contact, but when I call, if I pick up the phone, the contact is created, but the agreement is not. A few weeks ago, everything was okay, then they just stopped coming in, although it seems that no one went into the settings, I went to the settings, I see that new functions have appeared, and everything should work, but it does not. If the call is missed, then there are no problems, a missed call is created by "missed call" automation, but a call in the process, no. =(
12.10.2023, 11:23
Original comment available on version: ua

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