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Moving goods with actions

Good afternoon In the task https://topbox.1b.app/20043/ It is not possible to move goods 937Chevron Trident from the Chevron warehouse to the Logistics warehouse in the amount of 5 pcs.
When switching to the procedure "Taken from the Chevroniv warehouse" https://prnt.sc/-FxP_Voj8CM9 gives an error https://prnt.sc/dYioSqroH1-1 "There is not enough product in the Chevroniv warehouse, 5 pieces were missing". In the warehouse of chevrons, this product is listed in the amount of 5 pieces. The procedure has an action:
2. Move the contents of the process to another warehouse https://prnt.sc/ZZWMZSgFBOko .
Original question is available on version: ru


Xenia wrote:
Good afternoon In the task https://topbox.1b.app/20043/ It is not possible to move goods 937Chevron Trident from the Chevron warehouse to the Logistics warehouse in the amount of 5 pcs.
When switching to the procedure "Taken from the Chevroniv warehouse" https://prnt.sc/-FxP_Voj8CM9 gives an error https://prnt.sc/dYioSqroH1-1 "There is not enough product in the Chevroniv warehouse, 5 pieces were missing". In the warehouse of chevrons, this product is listed in the amount of 5 pieces. The procedure has an action:
2. Move the contents of the process to another warehouse https://prnt.sc/ZZWMZSgFBOko .

We do the transfer by switching to the procedure "Taken from the warehouse of chevrons" https://topbox.1b.app/app/workflow/17/procedure/177/ https://prnt.sc/kzVvjh3aTfcN
23.08.2023, 16:03
Original comment available on version: ru

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