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Search for processes for payments by regular expression

Here https://brightbox.1b.app/app/automatization/hour/edit/
Action "Automatically allocate customer payments to processes"
It is necessary to refine the action in such a way that if several processes are found by regular expression, then create a separate process with links (each on a new line) in the process description.
There is also a small bug that prevents adding several variations of a regular expression template in one action. It is important that this is also taken into account when searching for processes, that is, with several variations of regular expression patterns that would collect duplicates if any. This way we can avoid duplicates and inconsistencies.
How many hours do you need to implement?
Original question is available on version: ru


Суханіцький Андрій OneBox CORP
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You can use this action

Automatically allocate customer payments by processes

There you can specify templates, search by additional fields, ID or external ID of the process based on the comment and add several templates
02.05.2023, 09:58
Original comment available on version: ua

Apparently they didn’t carefully read the technical specifications, there needs to be a revision for the same action :)
02.05.2023, 17:44
Original comment available on version: ru

Discussed. First, we collect orders that we have found according to all the templates. If it is the only one, then we bind the payment. If we found several orders, then we create a process in the selected bp and status and throw off a bunch of links to the processes that we found there. Before checks, we check whether there is such a process for this payment, if so, we skip the payment and do not process it.
18.05.2023, 20:38
Original comment available on version: ru

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