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Variable {|$basketsArray|}name

Tell me how to specify the desired language in the variable {|$basketsArray|}, namely {|$b.name|}? Because different cases require a different language for the product name.
Original question is available on version: ua


Good day!
At the moment, there is no such possibility, the system takes the name of the product in the language by default.
27.03.2023, 16:28
Original comment available on version: ua

Bohdan Alexandrovych Luts
Good day!
At the moment, there is no such possibility, the system takes the name of the product in the language by default.

Thanks for the answer. Maybe there is an opportunity to make a finishing touch? Tell me how much it could cost?
27.03.2023, 16:31
Original comment available on version: ua

Good afternoon. You can take the name from the product card, do it in separate variables. Takes 1 hour to finish.
27.03.2023, 18:27
Original comment available on version: ru

Roman Sergeevich Yurchenko wrote:

Bohdan Alexandrovych Luts
Good day!
At the moment, there is no such possibility, the system takes the name of the product in the language by default.

Thanks for the answer. Maybe there is an opportunity to make a finishing touch? Tell me how much it could cost?

Good day!
Thank you. Issue an invoice
27.03.2023, 18:29
Original comment available on version: ua

Good afternoon. The work has been uploaded. An example of how variables work:
{|foreach from=$basketsArray item="b"|}
ua: {|$b.nameua|}
ru: {|$b.nameru|}
28.06.2023, 14:40
Original comment available on version: ru

Good day!
Everything works. thank you
28.06.2023, 21:48
Original comment available on version: ua

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