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complete the action "Turn a letter into a process" (search for the client of the process by the address of the recipient of the letter)

complete the action "Turn a letter into a process". You have to make an option
"search for the client of the process by the address of the recipient of the letter (To)"
here is an example of an event on which a process should be created https://spgr.1b.app/app/event/33953/
as a result, a process should be created for the client whose address is written in the "To" field
boxing https://spgr.1b.app
Original question is available on version: ua


Good afternoon. Processing will take 1 hour.
21.02.2023, 11:25
Original comment available on version: ru

Перегиняк Александр
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
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OneBox production wrote:
Good afternoon. Editing will take 1 hour.

ready to pay I am asking for payment details
21.02.2023, 12:11
Original comment available on version: ua

Перегиняк Александр
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
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OneBox production wrote:
Good afternoon. Finalization will take 1 hour.

paid tell me when to expect the performance?
01.03.2023, 17:38
Original comment available on version: ua

Good afternoon, setting up the action "If the client is not found, substitute the client of the process as the recipient of the letter (default is the sender)"
03.03.2023, 15:30
Original comment available on version: ru

Перегиняк Александр
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
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OneBox production wrote:
Good afternoon, the setting of the action "If the client is not found, substitute the process client for the recipient of letters (by default, substitutes the sender)"

it's a bit not what was ordered
the option "search for the client of the process by the address of the recipient of the letter (To)" was ordered. Based on the name, we can conclude that the recipient of the letter should be the client of the process
you did "If the client is not found, substitute the process client for the recipient of the letters (by default, substitutes the sender)". Based on the description, the recipient will be identified as a client only if the sender is not found. But, the sender is in the system, so when the event is processed, it will be found and, accordingly, will be placed by the client of the process.
Did I draw the right conclusions?
And in addition, in order for the functionality you made to work, I would have to enable the "do not create new contacts based on events" option, which I would not like at all.
and to top it all off... I deliberately deleted my mail from the box, set a check mark that prohibits the creation of a contact from an unknown email. As a result, a process was created for a contact that was the sender, not the recipient
Please fix the functionality you developed
03.03.2023, 16:34
Original comment available on version: ua

You misunderstood the description of the setting.
Now the sender of the letter becomes the client of the process, if the client is not found according to the preg patterns that are specified below.
C made it so that the client of the process in this case becomes the Receiver of the letter, instead of the sender.
03.03.2023, 17:06
Original comment available on version: ru

Перегиняк Александр
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
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OneBox production wrote:
in this case, the recipient of the letter became the client of the process, instead of the sender.

I understand that you are talking about the "PREG-template for data about the client in process" functionality. that is, this functionality analyzes the content of the letter to search for a client. This should not have been done. I simply asked for an option that would look at the "To" field instead of "From" and take the data from the "To" field to search and create a client.
And considering what you described, I need to make some PREG templates... Why?
03.03.2023, 17:15
Original comment available on version: ua

Just turn on the checkbox and test its work on a real letter)
03.03.2023, 17:35
Original comment available on version: ru

Перегиняк Александр
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
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OneBox production wrote:

Just enable the check box and test its operation on a real letter)

event https://spgr.1b.app/app/event/35190/

result https://spgr.1b.app/34698/

as you can see, the process was created on the sender

settings here https://spgr.1b.app/app/automatization/minute/edit/ checkmark "If the client is not found, the client will replace the process of the recipient of the letter (by default, it replaces the sender)" is enabled

noticed another nuance. for some reason, the process creates only one, despite the fact that two events are created (because there are 2 recipients of the letter). example event pair https://spgr.1b.app/app/event/35190/ and https://spgr.1b.app/app/event/35189/ . why so? as many processes as events should be created for each
03.03.2023, 18:27
Original comment available on version: ua

Перегиняк Александр
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
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Alexander Pereghinyak wrote:


OneBox production wrote:

Just enable the check box and test its operation on a real letter)

event https://spgr.1b.app/app/event/35190/

result https://spgr.1b.app/34698/

as you can see, the process was created on the sender

settings here https://spgr.1b.app/app/automatization/minute/edit/ checkmark "If the client is not found, the client will replace the process of the recipient of the letter (by default, it replaces the sender)" is enabled

noticed another nuance. for some reason, the process creates only one, despite the fact that two events are created (because there are 2 recipients of the letter). example event pair https://spgr.1b.app/app/event/35190/ and https://spgr.1b.app/app/event/35189/ . why so? as many processes as events should be created for each

it worked the client put the one to whom the letter the check mark "Exclude from the search/creation of the client the email address from which the letter was sent "

what is needed for the process to be created for all recipients of the letter?
03.03.2023, 18:34
Original comment available on version: ua

Pereginyak Alexander wrote:
what is required for the process to be created according to all the instructions of the sheet?

most likely this is not related to the setting, but I'll see what's the matter and what needs to be done to always create the process. Most likely on the trail. week
03.03.2023, 19:39
Original comment available on version: ru

Перегиняк Александр
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
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OneBox production wrote:

Oleksandr Pereghinyak wrote:
what is necessary for the process to be created for all recipients of the sheet?

most likely it's not related to the setup, but I'll see what the problem is and what needs to be done to create the process always. Most likely, already on track. weeks

Thank you, I look forward to hearing from you. This is very necessary
03.03.2023, 20:49
Original comment available on version: ua

Перегиняк Александр
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)

OneBox production wrote:

Oleksandr Pereghinyak wrote:
what is necessary for the process to be created for all recipients of the sheet?

most likely it's not related to the setup, but I'll see what the problem is and what needs to be done to create the process always. Most likely, already on track. weeks

Haven't watched yet?
06.03.2023, 18:59
Original comment available on version: ua

Added the setting "When checking the existence of a process by letter, take into account not only the body of the letter, but also the client of the process, if any." The action initially searched for an unclosed task only by the content of the letter
07.03.2023, 16:13
Original comment available on version: ru

Перегиняк Александр
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)

OneBox production wrote:
Added the setting "When checking the existence of a process from a letter, consider both the body of the letter and the client of the process, if it exists." The action initially searched for an open task only by the content of the letter

checked the box. as before, only one process is created
07.03.2023, 21:19
Original comment available on version: ua

Перегиняк Александр
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)

Alexander Pereghinyak wrote:

OneBox production wrote:
Added the setting "When checking the existence of a process from a letter, consider both the body of the letter and the client of the process, if it exists." The action initially searched for an open task only by the content of the letter

checked the box. as before, only one process is created

good day! respond to the comment, please
10.03.2023, 10:22
Original comment available on version: ua

You may have overlooked the "Take events from the last N days:" setting. The action no longer looks at the events you created for tests.
10.03.2023, 10:59
Original comment available on version: ru

Перегиняк Александр
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)

OneBox production wrote:
Take events for the last N days:

NO, this setting has no effect. I'm still doing tests today. the result is the same. Maybe you need some access, or some additional information to debug the operation of the procedure?
10.03.2023, 11:41
Original comment available on version: ua

Перегиняк Александр
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
Can you still make the option "to search for the client of the process use the header of the letter "To"? If this option is enabled, then the processor analyzes only this field to search for the client of the process and nothing else. in the letters that I need to process, this header is present the email I need to find a client
10.03.2023, 12:13
Original comment available on version: ua

Alexander Pereghinyak wrote:

Can you still make the option "to search for the client of the process use the header of the letter "To"? If this option is enabled, then the processor analyzes only this field to search for the client of the process and nothing else. in the letters that I need to process, this header is present the email I need to find a client

Well, by default, you can search for the client only by fields from the preg template or by Sender/Recipient, which can now be configured. You yourself wrote above that when the check box is turned on, it works.

Alexander Pereghinyak wrote:


OneBox production wrote:

Get events for the last N days:

NO, this setting has no effect. I'm still doing tests today. the result is the same. Maybe you need some access, or some additional information to debug the operation of the procedure?

give me 2 today's letters, I'll look at why he creates 1 and not 2 tasks on them
13.03.2023, 13:31
Original comment available on version: ua

Перегиняк Александр
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)


OneBox production wrote:

give me 2 of today's letters, I'll look at why he creates 1 and not 2 tasks on them

here https://spgr.1b.app/app/event/35444/


and they are on the server (see attachments)

and these are created processes
13.03.2023, 14:30
Original comment available on version: ua

Перегиняк Александр
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
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tell me, can you be offered additional payment for the completion of this revision? Almost a month has passed since my application and 2 weeks since payment. So why is it taking so long?
16.03.2023, 18:35
Original comment available on version: ua

Good afternoon. You specify the value "strlnk@spgr.site" in the "Email of the recipient (letters from which mailbox to turn into business processes):" action. The action always filters the specified value by the field in the event. Those. in your case, events 35441 and 35444 were not even processed and it's not a matter of refinement. The specified order was created from event 35446, as far as I can see it is not in the database for some reason. Perhaps it was deleted or not completely created, that's another topic.

Further a little closer to the topic of refinement.

If you ignore the specified setting programmatically, then when the action is launched, the following tasks are obtained



which means that the revision works correctly, you just need to configure the actions for each of the necessary mails.
17.03.2023, 17:14
Original comment available on version: ru

Перегиняк Александр
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
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OneBox production wrote:

Good afternoon. You specify the value "strlnk@spgr.site" in the setting of the "Recipient's email (convert letters from some mailbox to business processes):" action. The action always filters the specified field value in the event. That is, in your case, events 35441 and 35444 were not even processed and it is not a matter of finishing. The specified order was created from event 35446, as far as I can see it is not in the database for some reason now. Maybe it was deleted or not created completely, that's another topic.

Next, a little closer to the topic of refinement.

If you ignore the specified setting programmatically, the following tasks are output when the action is launched



which means that the modification works correctly, you just need to adjust the actions for each of the mails.

sorry and you are proposing a solution that I am not entirely happy with as I have to handle emails being forwarded from 100+ mailboxes to one. And I don't want to create 100+ actions for this. And that is why I asked to make an option in the action settings that will search for the client by the e-mail to which (that is, to whom) the letter was sent. Therefore, let's somehow find a compromise, because I paid for the completion of the revision and I want to get the implementation of the ordered functionality.
20.03.2023, 18:27
Original comment available on version: ua

Please take a close look at the title of the topic you created and its description. It clearly and with screenshots indicates that you want to take a client from the To field. It is clearly highlighted there. The revision that you ordered has been completed - when parsing a letter, the user from the To field becomes a client. By links to the relevant tasks, I showed that it works. Different users who are in the "To" event have become clients of the processes. The fact that your email comes to different mails has nothing to do with the refinement, so there will be no compromises here.
If you need the action to take into account letters that come to ALL emails and not just to the specified one, then the terms of reference should sound something like this
"I need the XXX action to ignore the TOMO setting and parse ALL emails, not just the emails that come to the email specified in the "setting name" setting in the action." It seems obvious to me that this is not at all like what you originally asked for.
Total: if you need the action of parsing letters to take into account all events or you need the ability to specify 100 mails in one action, separated by commas, such refinement will take 1 hour.
20.03.2023, 20:42
Original comment available on version: ru

Перегиняк Александр
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
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Alexander Pereghinyak wrote:

Please take a close look at the title of the topic you created and its description. It is clearly indicated there and with screenshots that you want to take the client from the To field. It is clearly highlighted there. The refinement you ordered has been completed - when parsing the letter, the user from the To field becomes the client. I have shown that it works with links to relevant tasks. Various users who are in the "To" of the event became the clients of the processes. The fact that your e-mail arrives at different e-mail addresses does not relate to the finalization, so there will be no compromises here.

If you need the action to take into account letters that come to ALL mail, and not only to the specified one, then the technical task should sound something like this.

"I need the XXX action to ignore the TO setting and parse ALL emails, not just the emails that arrive at the mail specified in the "setting name" setting in the action." It seems obvious to me that this is not at all like what you were asking in the first place.

Together: if you need the action of parsing letters to take into account all events or you

Okay, I agree to the revision, but please consider it in this wording

"I need the action "Convert an email into a process" to parse all the emails that are in the system, if the field "Email of the recipient (emails from the mailbox to convert into processes):" remains empty. Now, if this field is empty, then the action is not launched ."

22.03.2023, 11:11
Original comment available on version: ua

Yes, it is quite. I'll post an invoice.
22.03.2023, 16:47
Original comment available on version: ru

Перегиняк Александр
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)

Alexander Pereghinyak wrote:
Yes, completely. I will issue an invoice.

I'm waiting
22.03.2023, 17:11
Original comment available on version: ua

Перегиняк Александр
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
the bill is paid
27.03.2023, 22:01
Original comment available on version: ua

Good afternoon. The setting "Do not filter event by recipient, process all events instead of filtering" will appear in the system tomorrow morning.
28.03.2023, 19:10
Original comment available on version: ru

Перегиняк Александр
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)

Alexander Pereghinyak wrote:
Good afternoon. The setting "Do not filter event by recipient, process all events instead of filtering" will appear in the system tomorrow morning.

project https://spgr.1b.app/ . The setting has not yet appeared
29.03.2023, 11:46
Original comment available on version: ua

Перегиняк Александр
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
everything works. thank you!
29.03.2023, 18:48
Original comment available on version: ua

great, thanks for the feedback!
29.03.2023, 20:26
Original comment available on version: ru

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