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Document api /api/document/add/

Good afternoon!
when sending a request to /api/document/add/, what should be passed to fileoriginal? this field is of type string
The task is as follows: from 1C they load a file into Box, in response they receive a link to the file. And this link is passed in the process update request.
Original question is available on version: ru


Hello, there you need to transfer the file of the original document. In your case, you can not do this, just do not pass this parameter, it is optional.
22.10.2020, 15:30
Original comment available on version: ru

Bodyako Dmitry Employee wrote:
Hello, there you need to transfer the file of the original document. In your case, you can not do this, just do not pass this parameter, it is optional.

Didn't understand. How do I transfer a file to Box? The file was created in 1s, it needs to be transferred to Box
22.10.2020, 16:28
Original comment available on version: ru

Dmitry, maybe I didn’t describe it well, but I can’t understand your answer. An employee creates a document in 1C, for example, invoice # 111 dated 2010-10-22
1C pings the processes of a certain BP in a certain status, finds the process associated with this account, and it needs to display the document generated in 1C, the information that is in this document is not kept in Box.
If I send a request of the format ... https://crm.nspace.com.ua/api/document/add/?login=....&password=......&o... then I I will create a new document, according to the Box template. BUT from the side of Boxing there are no goods and additional information that is maintained in documents in 1C. That is, I need the document itself, generated in 1C. Can I get it somehow in Boxing?
22.10.2020, 17:50
Original comment available on version: ru

Well, then you need to transfer the object of the original file in the request. How to do this, I think your programmer should know 1s
22.10.2020, 17:53
Original comment available on version: ru

Bodyako Dmitry Employee wrote:
Well, then you need to transfer the object of the original file in the request. How to do this, I think your programmer should know 1s

That's the problem, what 1s-nick asks)
22.10.2020, 17:59
Original comment available on version: ru

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