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Write value by object key

Here https://univer.1b.app/admin/shop/workflowstatus/849/action/new/
There is an action "Pass process to API".
After sending the request, we get a conditional response that also has an array
You need to pull out the value value and write it in the field if its key is equal to "tax".
Can this be done now? Or if revision is needed, how many hours are needed for implementation?
Original question is available on version: ru


Сусяк Ігор
responses are configured in action here:
process product fields: screen1 https://i.imgur.com/TiEMxu7.png
process fields: screenshot 2 https://i.imgur.com/k5DYT1a.png
Accordingly, if you receive an array - you will have to write it down somewhere, try checking the box "Process the resulting answer as a multidimensional associative array", "The key of the array element with the searched field" = key, "The key of the array element with the value" = value
next "Response code"=200, "Text/Value"=1 , [check by specifying other Field values ​​in XML/JSON Check the correspondence to the field value Is this field an attribute?] "Write text/value in the field" - the result in the required field of the process, where can you check if it's 1.
14.08.2023, 19:17
Original comment available on version: ua

Susyak Igor
integrator wrote:
responses are configured in action here:
process product fields: screenshot1 https://i.imgur.com/TiEMxu7.png
process fields: screenshot 2 https://i.imgur.com/k5DYT1a.png
Accordingly, if you receive an array, you will have to write it down somewhere, try the checkbox "Process the resulting response as a multidimensional associative array", "The key of the array element with the required field" = key, "The key of the array element with the value" = value
then "Response code"=200, "Text/Value"=1 , [check by specifying other values ​​Field in XML/JSON Check if the field value matches Is this field an attribute?] "Write text/value in the field" - result in the required process field, where can you check it?

Thanks, already figured it out.
16.08.2023, 10:54
Original comment available on version: ru

Сусяк Ігор
If possible, please share a screenshot of how it worked in this case
16.08.2023, 16:01
Original comment available on version: ua

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