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Search results for query #wayforpay

4 answer
27.02.2024, 12:25
Payments from Wayforpay are not imported
Hello. I configured two separate actions "WayForPay statement" for two different stores to import payments. But payments were first imported only f...
1 answer
12.01.2024, 17:49
Linking a payment
Tell me how you can set up linking payments with WayForPay using automation. We tried the standard functionality, but payments that are included in...
5 replies
11.07.2023, 14:57
Data from the automatic WayForPay statement disappear
Good day. Added 2 "WayForPay statement" actions for two merchants. Today I discovered that the fields are empty in both statements. I filled it in ...
1 answer
02.11.2022, 16:41
Connecting the payment service to the online form
Perfect solution. The client fills in the form, clicks the submit application button (screenshot 1.png), after which a Wayforpay payment window (po...
1 answer
24.10.2022, 11:50
WAYFORPAY Merchant Website Domain Name What is it? How to specify correctly?
In the action "Create a request for payment in WAYFORPAY" there is a field Home name for the merchant website Do I understand correctly ...
2 answer
11.02.2022, 13:49
link lifetime
We form links to payment wayforpay here https://ppikc.crm-onebox.com/app/workflow/14/procedure/59/ In what format should the setting be specified h...
You need to connect several integrations - evaluate
System Version - OS You need to connect several wayforapy integrations - now you can only 1 How many hours is this? You also need to immediately ev...
34 answer
19.01.2022, 14:00
Completion calculation: Translate the process into a stage depending on the WayForPay payment status
Guys, I ask you to calculate the revision on WayForPay, namely: you need an action at the stages with which you can transfer the process to the des...
7 replies
10.11.2021, 10:46
WayForPay loading payments
WayForPay has documentation on uploading payments (list of transactions) https://wiki.wayforpay.com/view/1736786 It is necessary to implement integ...
8 replies
15.10.2021, 19:31
OS: Refinement by action
Previously, I ordered and paid for the creation of the "Create payment link in WAYFORPAY" action, but found that it was missing a few det...

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