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Search results for query #telegram bot

4 answer
07.07.2023, 16:27
I set up feedback in the block designer for the bot so that I can reply to the person, I need it after the person sends the data, I write a command...
2 answer
06.07.2023, 00:38
How to make the bot check whether the user is registered on the site or not
I am creating a tg-bot, I need people to follow the link that the bot gives and register so that the bot then provides the necessary content
2 answer
Personal license
21.09.2022, 09:39
Dorobka - menu for Telegram bot
Good day. Suggest that you can implement a dorobok - a menu for a telegram bot through the standard functionality. (additional Telegram BOT constru...
4 answer
15.09.2022, 11:15
Do not save calls between the button and the block
Bot https://tovtg.1b.app/app/bot-constructor/1/ Do not save the transition from the button to the block. For example, in the menu there is a button...
Telegram bot integration
Good afternoon, I registered a token for integration with the cart https://pl-tires.1b.app/app/telegram/appsettings/ in the automation settings spe...
18 replies
28.11.2021, 18:51
How to send a message to a group using a Telegram bot?
Guys, tell me, is it possible to somehow send a message to a group using the telegram bot? If yes, how to do it? And yet, if the bot is in several ...
9 replies
20.10.2021, 19:25
Send Pulse telegram bot
Good afternoon! Created a telegram bot based on sendpulse with a series of chat bots of different nature. At the same time, integration with the te...
2 answer
30.01.2021, 12:07
Setting up a telegram bot?
Good afternoon, please tell me, I figured out the integration of the telegram bot, I managed to set it up so that when writing a message, a process...

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