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Search results for query #simpla

7 replies
27.05.2021, 10:04
Products are unloaded in the wrong category
I ask for help in resolving the issue: Products are unloaded in CPM from 2 online stores CMS Simpla and Opencart. The goods in these stores are com...
3 answer
09.04.2021, 14:51
Integration with Simpla
where you can find up-to-date instructions with files for setting up integration with Simpla. Since now there is a video lesson in the boxing knowl...
1 answer
Simpla (import orders)
We have simpla integration and order import action The simpla client has been with simpla for a long time and there are about 3k orders, you need ...
1 answer
09.09.2020, 10:28
When importing orders from Simpla CMS, the payment method is not pulled up
Integration with an online store on Simpla CMS is connected. When importing orders from Simpla CMS, the payment method is not pulled into the busin...

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