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Search results for query #ram

6 replies
Optimizing system performance for less RAM usage
Congratulations! In the system https://box1.luxshina.ua/ The user noticed that there is an overload of the RAM indicator. This caused the system to...
5 replies
27.02.2023, 11:21
not enough RAM
Good day, When creating invoices from 20 items or more, the RAM loads 95% and it is impossible to create an invoice
4 answer
26.12.2022, 11:09
High percentage of RAM on the server
Good afternoon! I noticed that I constantly reach the RAM limit (rental license). Could you tell me what is the reason and how can I fix it?
2 answer
28.12.2021, 15:38
RAM - 75-76% full
https://rivcont.info/app/system-statistic/ I would like to understand if a load of 75-76% is normal for the system to work? Or is it necessary to i...
2 answer
28.12.2021, 14:08
Clogged RAM memory
Found out that the RAM memory of the server is completely used, how critical is this and how can the load be relieved? Boxing http://box.smart-gadg...
5 replies
02.11.2021, 10:12
OS: RAM (90%) and SWAP (74%) are overloaded. How can it be solved?
I noticed that on my server the RAM (90%) and SWAP (74%) parameters are overloaded. Can you tell me what exactly is causing this data? And how can ...
2 answer
09.02.2021, 09:47
Low disk space
Good afternoon, there was such a notification in the vanbox: I understand that I need to expand the memory? how to do it?
SWAP on the server
https://prnt.sc/um9nnn How can you get into a job? I how to fix the problem

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