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Search results for query #hotline

0 replies
06.04.2023, 12:44
In the Hotline feed, it is not the name of the category from the directory that is uploaded, but the id of this value
Good day A feed to the Hotline is being formed here https://crm.ohrana.ua/app/priceplace-hotline/3/settings/, but the category names are not dra...
2 answer
23.01.2023, 18:57
Editing the "Export Products in XML (Hotline)" action
Good day! I have 2 questions about creating a product feed on the Hotline. 1. The product feed is not recognized by Hotline due to the fact that th...
5 replies
26.08.2021, 11:53
Bug shaping fidiv (Double 2)
Good afternoon, fidi is not formed. Hotline: 1. The category with discs is turned off for fidu. Ale won't show off in the new. 2. do not load t...
3 answer
12.08.2021, 17:19
firm and rate tags
Good day where values are written to the tags FirmName, FirmID, rate the loader has a stench, the prote is empty
7 replies
08.03.2021, 13:01
An error in the formation of the xml file for Hotline
Good afternoon, there is an error in the xml feed for Hotline. Help. thank you
3 answer
integration Hotline.ua
Hotline integration Is it possible to transfer information about the method and cost of delivery from OneBox to Hotline.ua

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