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Search results for query #cdate

5 replies
29.08.2023, 16:13
Why does the system, when copying a product, copy the creation date and ignore (overwrite) the creation action
It turns out that there are the following features of the system: 1. When copying a product, the system copies the data from the "Creation date" (c...
4 answer
09.02.2023, 13:17
Error with variable [cdatetime]
Good day! The [cdatetime] variable in the "Integrate XML Products (Export)" automatic action stopped working. https://os.strikeshop.ua/media/export...
2015929205 - Added changes in the "Integration of XML products (Export)" section
For "Integration of XML products (Export)" add changes: [cdate] - current date; [cdatetime] - current date and hour.
2015876753 - Improved the functionality of the action "Integration of XML products (Export)"
For the action "Integration of XML products (Export)" added: - variables [cdate] [cdatetime]; - setting "If the field is empty (incl...
4 answer
20.11.2021, 10:22
Variable with date [cdate]
Help me figure out how it works. There is an automation "Calculate the value according to the formula and write to the specified field" I...
2014943715 - Added date variables
For the [cdate] and [cdatetime] variables, the date or time offset for these variables has been improved. use case => result [cdate] => 2019-...
2014943715 - Added date variables
For the [cdate] and [cdatetime] variables, the date or time offset for these variables has been improved. use case => result [cdate] => 2019-...

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