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Search results for query #юг-контракт

9 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
22.09.2022, 12:43
Do not exit the integration with the South-contract (new API)
Successful integration https://technosite.crm-onebox.com/app/settings/supplierugcontract2/ Categories do not fit I turned off the diy, because it ...
10 replies
Clarification on setting up integration with the South Contract
The integration was set up, the goods were loaded. But the goods have only 1 image (of poor quality) and no description. Examples of goods https://...
20 replies
Good afternoon! How can I check if the automatic import of prices from ERC and Yug-Contract suppliers works?
Automatic import from suppliers Yug-kontrakt and ERC
Hello! I have configured automatic actions to update data from Yug-contract and ERC suppliers. At the moment, only the price, RTC, description, ima...
New products in Automatic product import.
Good afternoon! When setting up an automatic action once an hour (Upload and process the price of the supplier) - new products go to the product li...
1 answer
The contract supplier south is not updated
The south contract supplier is not updated, the last update was 01.03, why is it not updated? Are there any errors when accessing the portal via ap...
14 replies
Import from the supplier Yug-Contract
Good afternoon. The import of goods from the Yug-Contract supplier is configured through automatic actions once a day. Is there any way to check i...

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