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Search results for query #формулы

6 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
01.11.2021, 15:07
Automation does not work when adding an entry to the directory
I am adding an entry through the process https://take.ms/ANmGY with the action https://take.ms/wBZ2L Fields are not considered https://take.ms/fz92...
2 answer
10.09.2021, 10:22
Margin variable is incorrectly calculated in formulas
Good afternoon. I use the Margin variable in the formula, and if the margin = a positive value - everything is OK, if it is negative - it does not ...
3 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
14.07.2021, 01:10
OS - improvement on the action "Calculate the value using the formula and write to the specified field" in automation for products
In the application /app/automatization-products/update/edit/ Automation for products there is an action "Calculate the value according to the ...
4 answer
29.03.2021, 18:51
Calculate and write the value to the additional field if the conditions are met
Can you ask a decal value here? Yakshcho we have a field in a new one, but either A, B, C. It is necessary that the formula was less successful, if...
3 answer
04.12.2020, 16:49
Formula bug in automation
I set the formula by which you need to form the name of the product: https://prnt.sc/vvtq8n There is a condition for this formula: https://prnt.sc/...

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