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Search results for query #створення ттн

11 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
29.06.2023, 19:04
Error during automatic creation of TTN
An error occurs that the Client's address must be in the format: Postal address, city, street, etc Here is an example task https://invafishki.1b.a...
2015964136 - The functionality of the action "Record who is the payer in the created TTN in the additional field of the process" has been improved
The setting "Additional process field in which to write the delivery payer when creating a TTN" has been added to the action "Write ...
1 answer
Refinement of the action "Automatically create TTN"
It is necessary to refine the action "Automatically create TTN" so that if the TTN is inserted (filled) in the corresponding field, the action woul...
1 answer
25.09.2022, 13:03
TTN does not create automatically
Good day It's a pity not to create TTN when switching to the process, otherwise after the command "create automatically" The problem ...
2015899941 - Added the type of correction when molding ТТН Novoї Poshti
In the automatic mode and in the case of manual folding of the TTN New mail, the type of administration "Document" was added
2015883573 - Added a BP "Change the office of a new mail for the process, as the limit of amendments has been reached"
Added a new diya BP "Change the office of a new post for the process, as if the limit of amendments has been reached", so (for the need) ...
9 replies
24.10.2021, 13:01
Ттн is not created
Prom began to give the new status "New Post" delivery a long time ago, so in this status the system does not create ttn under the conditi...
Creation of ttn
Raptovo began to vibivat a pardon when a new post was made process https://quadrum.ua/admin/customorder/order/3356/invoice/#
Creation of ttn manually
In the parameter panel of the control panel, there is no automatic volumetric expansion based on dimensions. New mail Prom

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