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Search results for query #сортировка процессов

5 replies
08.11.2021, 16:56
Sort field Source
Good afternoon Tell me how to get the correct sorting of sources https://crm.hlr.ua/admin/shop/source/. By default, in the source field, the values...
3 answer
12.10.2021, 11:50
OS - No "project" in sort
Please add "project" to the process sorting, it's strange that it's not there.
1 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
02.10.2021, 02:00
Sorting does not work in list processes
Например https://monoshop.crm-onebox.com/app/workflowtype-order/?dumpHash=&objectsFro...
4 answer
22.07.2021, 17:33
In processes, the list flies sorting by creation date when filtering by an additional field
I open Repair processes with the list - https://crm.ohrana.ua/admin/customorder/remont/?searchLine= the standard sorting by date opens correctly, ...
5 replies
27.06.2021, 15:10
Process sorting by status not working
In the business process table, status sorting by the sort index, which is set in the business process designer, does not work. It can be seen on th...
3 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
14.12.2020, 10:34
Adjusting the weary sorting of goods on the site Template23
How to install a tired sorting of goods "for a number of processes"? І on a live site and on a mobile one. Number of adjustments does not...
2015191283 - Printing subprocesses
Improved so that when subprocesses are printed, they are in the same sort as they were set in the process
Sorting processes
It is necessary that after switching the ways of displaying processes, the sorting of processes remains the same as in the previous method.
2015149640 - Refinement of process sorting
Improved so that after switching the ways of displaying processes, the sorting of processes remains the same as in the previous method

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