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Search results for query #создать процесс на основе пропущенного звонка

2015826433 - Added a setting to the action "Create a process based on a missed call"
For the automatic action "Create a process based on a missed call", the setting "Do not create a process if the client is in at leas...
1 answer
15.07.2021, 17:13
Create process based on missed call
There is an automatic action Create a process based on a missed call You need to add "Do not create a process if the client is in at least one...
4 answer
15.10.2020, 10:34
Incorrect operation of automatic action
Good afternoon! The automatic action "Create a process based on a missed call" is configured, which should move the task to the "Cal...
2015506475 - Improvement of the action “Create a process based on a missed call”
For the automatic action once a minute “Create a process based on a missed call”, the setting “Do not add a comment on a missed call to the process...
2015168577 - Improved automatic action “Create a process based on a missed call”
For the automatic action once a minute “Create a process based on a missed call”, the setting “Add a comment about a missed call to open business p...
2015150430 - Improved action “Create a process based on a missed call”
For the automatic action once a minute “Create a process based on a missed call”, the setting for choosing at which stage to create a process has b...
2015087593 - Improved integration with Lirax
There is a setting in the “Create a process based on a missed call” action that allows you to set the status to switch the process to if the client...
2015078150 - Improved action "Create a process based on a missed call"
The action "Create a process based on a missed call" creates processes based on calls that are in the events in the status “ANSWER” and “...
2015025733 - Improved functionality of sources for automatic actions
For actions: - "Turn jivo chat into a business process" - "Import processes from opencart" - "Create process based on miss...

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