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Search results for query #резервирование товара

3 answer
04.07.2022, 11:56
Reserve not removed
Example of 2 orders https://crm.dobavki.ua/541736/ https://crm.dobavki.ua/541983/ Changed to Rejected status https://crm.dobavki.ua/admin/shop/work...
1 answer
There are more goods in the reserve than on the warehouse
Here is the item http://box.magbaby.ua/admin/shop/products/24106/storage/ Here are his remnants We can see that there are 8 pcs in the base, and 1...
17 replies
11.11.2021, 16:16
When posting goods, reserve it in the process specified in the additional process product field
Good afternoon There is such a question about the action Post the contents of the process to the warehouse (https://crm.ohrana.ua/admin/shop/workf...
6 replies
28.10.2021, 13:56
Became in reserve 2, and quantity 1
https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/customorder/realizatsiya-izdeliy/2138355/edit/ Product added to order, quantity 1 Moved to the stage https://crm.mebe...
1 answer
18.10.2021, 17:07
Item sold but in stock
Order https://mariemur.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/23785/edit/ Transferred to the stage where the sale takes place, the goods were writt...
4 answer
01.02.2021, 09:50
Item reservation in progress
Good afternoon! Please rate the improvement. When choosing a product (select through the checkbox) and clicking on Reserve https://prnt.sc/xykjcj, ...
7 replies
18.12.2020, 14:54
no "reserve" button
For some products 7354, 7355 there is no button in the product table "reserve" the goods in the warehouse are sufficient. https://zhiraf....
14 replies
26.08.2020, 13:04
Item not removed
Good afternoon, Item not removed http://prntscr.com/u641t3 I manually checked the orders in which there were operations on the product, the reserve...

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